The Beginning of an End

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Jasper and I bid our goodbyes to Azhara, her goodluck wishes still hanging in the air when she vanishes in a flash of blue. My lips curve up in a grin at the amazement on Jasper's face. I would love to see his reaction to the Realm and all it's glory; maybe someday I can take him there.

We set off immediately, and he explains what is happening on the way. Edward isn't fighting, and we are using Jacob to hide Bella's scent, if it works today. The idea of seeing those three doesn't exactly thrill me, but needs must. Anyway, afterwards, Jasper and I are going hunting with the others who are fighting, which is a good thing because I am parched.

I can smell Jacob before I see him, then catch Edward and Bella's scents. Taking a moment to settle myself, I smile softly as Jasper's fingers entwine with my own. Our steps are noiseless as we cross the grass, but their heads turn in our direction anyway.

"Nice of you to join us," Jacob says, his arms crossed over his bare chest.

"Doesn't this guy know what a shirt is?" I mumble, so only Jasper can catch it.

"Tell me the plan," Jacob says.

"This field will give us an advantage in battle," Jasper explains, "we need to lure the Newborns with Bella's scent, and it needs to end here."

"Edward and I are going to a campsite," Bella says, one hand on her partner's arm, "but even if he carries me, they'll still pick up on our scent."

"Your stench, however, is revolting," Edward says, his top lip curling back.

Jacob bristles. "You really don't wanna start comparing stinks."

Bella jumps in to defuse the tension. "What he means, is that your scent will mask mine if you carry me."


"This is not a good idea," Edward says, directing his words to Jasper.

"Edward," he says, "they won't want to get anywhere near his...odour."

"Okay, let's just try it," Bella says, approaching Jacob.

Their body-language is so awkward, and I can't figure out why. But apparently my intent gaze is not appreciated.

"Hey, half-breed," Jacob snarls, "why don't you look somewhere else."

My fists curl at his derogatory address, but I bite down my aggression. If I go off, I could seriously hurt someone. Not that I'm the only one, but my damage would be a little harder to fix.

"My humblest apologies for looking at you," I say with my tongue coming to rest lightly against my teeth, "next time I'll make sure to look at something more that pile of dog shit over there. Is it yours?"

"Oh, piss off, Jordan," Bella says, rolling her eyes and placing her hand on Jacob's bicep.

I don't miss the tenderness of her gesture, which causes me to raise an eyebrow in surprise. It's a little weird to be so touchy-feely with another person in front of your partner, especially when one of them happens to be a vampire. What is Bella playing at?

Jacob's eyes are narrowed, holding my gaze in what I assume is an attempt to be intimidating. "What did you say?"

"You heard me, Black," I reply, dropping all pretences of politeness, "an insult for an insult."

His nostrils flare and he turns his body to be just in front of Bella. "You know, you would be a lot more tolerable at Adrian's feet, at least then you'd know your place-"

Jasper lunges forward with an ear-splitting snarl, wrapping a hand around Jacob's throat. The boy is lifted into the air, thrashing against his hold; but his wolf strength does nothing to help him. Both Edward and Bella rush forward to try and save him, but they cannot budge Jasper an inch.

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