(Chasing Red)

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Jasper and I drove back together after talking for a while. It's my favourite way to spend time with him.

But we both knew what was to come. The night would bring Victoria with it, and I was stressing about all day.

Bella and Edward left for Florida, so I wasn't worried about them. But my vision kept flashing up in my mind.

Now, we're all stood in the woods, waiting...

Jasper and I are next to Alice, who's staring into the darkness. My nerves are on fire, warning me. My magic is reacting to the memories of my last encounter with the fiery haired vampire.

I'm sure Jaz can sense my unease, as he reaches over and entwines our fingers.

"Are you sure this is where you saw her?" Carlisle asks.

"She's almost here," Alice answers.

I grip Jasper's hand tightly, feeling anger beginning to rise within my chest. If I get one good shot with my magic, Victoria will be dead. I just need to get enough power behind it.

"On your left!"

Alice's exclamation sends all of us hurtling through the trees, Jasper and I breaking our hands apart in order to run faster.

Wind whips my hair, and I forget for a moment the danger that Jasper is in. I love this feeling.

I'll give it to her, Victoria is fast. She manages to stay ahead of us, even if just by a bit, her wild curls trailing out behind her.

Emmett, Jasper and I are in the lead, with Alice and Carlisle close behind us. Esme and Rosalie stay back a bit incase she doubles back or suddenly shoots sideways.

I can feel my wings shimmering behind me, begging me to allow them to lift me into the air. But I can't do that yet. I need to stay with Jasper.

Emmett gains on Victoria, reaching out to grab her. But the female is too quick, too wild, and hurls him into a tree.

The crack is sickening, and my anger increases, if this bitch lays a hand on one more of my family members she's gonna get deep fried.

Thankfully, he gets back up easily and keeps running. Now it's just Jasper and I, right on her heels.

Her hate for me is pulsating through the air, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who can feel it. But Jaz is too focused on his movements to really process it.

With a push, she comes off the ground and launches herself over a small river. It's small, but very important.

We all skid to a halt. Jasper throws his arm out to prevent me from tumbling into the water.

"Wait! She's in their territory," Carlisle says, holding Rosalie back.

Victoria darts off, quickly followed by us. But we can't cross the territory line, and she knows that.

"She'll get away!" Esme cries.

The snarling of wolves rips through the air, and a slight smile comes onto my face as I spot Jared and Embry. But it drops when I recognise one wolf in particular.

"No, she won't!" Jasper growls, pushing forward.

This is one of the only times I've truly seen the side of him that fought for Maria. He keeps it hidden, locked away, and I can see why.

He's focused, fast, agile and strong, making him absolutely lethal. Not to mention vicious.

Victoria narrowly avoids a wolf's jaws, and jumps back over to our side. Emmett once again gains on her, now pissed off about being thrown into a tree.

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