(Shoreline Songs)

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I go back home, because I need to see my car. I've only gotten to drive it a handful of times since my birthday. And that is a crime.

It's become a peaceful place for me, somewhere to sit, somewhere to be. After Jasper left, I would sit in it and listen to David Bowie. The smell of the leather helped me relax when emotions ran high in the house.

Right now, that's what I need most. To be in my car, driving along a road and blasting Black Sabbath. My head is too full, it's starting to ache.

I walk in the house, finding Bella and Charlie already home. They look over as the door closes behind me.

"Hey, Jordan."

"Hi, dad. What's up?"

"Got a question for you."

I turn around to fully face the living room. Curiosity digs at me at his slightly apprehensive face. "Yeah?"

"You were a boxer, right?"

"Uh huh..."

"Where would you say is the best place to hit someone?"

"How long have you been a cop for?" I laugh, "but, in response, the jaw. Its the knockout button. Why'd you wanna know?"

"Wanted a professional opinion," he says, and yawns.

I shake my head and grin as I go upstairs.

My keys are sitting on my desk, next to the crystal Zara gave me. I take both of them and my guitar.

"A'right...I'm goin' for a drive," I say as I come back down the stairs.

"Be careful," Charlie says.

"Always am."

I frown at Bella for a moment. Her eyes haven't even moved from her book. Have I made her angry?

Deciding to worry about that later, I head out to where my car is parked. My lips spread into a relaxed smile at the beautiful sight.

I allow my hand to drag over the side as I open the back and put the guitar down before hopping in the front.

Turning the key in the ignition eases a base growl from the engine as it rumbles to life. My foot presses down on the accelerator and I'm out of the drive in seconds.

Music begins to fill the car as I sing along, feeling lighter than air.

"And nothing else matters!"

When I'm driving her, I feel able to leave everything behind. All the danger, all the death. It all fades away. The only thing occupying my mind is the road ahead and whatever song is playing on my radio.

If I'd had her when I was sixteen...I would have driven from Arizona and never looked back. But if that happened Jasper and I wouldn't have met.

No matter what my past is, I don't want to change it. Because it all worked together to bring me to Jasper.

And he's the best thing to ever happen to me.

My drive has brought me to the shoreline, where the sun has begun to sink below its horizon. The golden strands are being tossed about by the wild waves, like whiskey in a jar.

I get out, bringing my guitar with me. The hood of my car is warm, so I perch on there as my fingers idly pluck the strings of my instrument.

Words flow from my mouth, my hands following behind with music. An innocent peacefulness wraps around me, only for a short time, but it's all I need.

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