(Big Talks)

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After throwing up a third time and beginning to violently shiver and twitch in Jasper's arms, they carefully transport me to his car.

No matter how gentle Jasper tries to be, each miniscule movement still sends shocks of pain through me. If I had the capacity, I would be drowning in sweat.

But the thing that is worrying me the most is that the mist hasn't moved from my eyes. I still can't see very well. It usually disappears after I'm done vomiting.

What's different this time?

My thoughts keep dragging me back to Adrian. Each time, anger boils inside me like a vat of hot oil. It's dangerous, and I don't want to lose control.

If I do, who knows what could happen with my magic? I know I've only scratched the very surface of its abilities. Anger, pain and fear would not make for great conductors of good.

Jasper has been talking to me the whole way, soothing my moans of pain and holding me close. I miss being Human, when his touch would make every ounce of it go away.

But it doesn't work like that anymore. Unfortunately, it seems that either vampirism, or being half fae, has cancelled out that effect.

"We're nearly there, Jordan," Alice says.

"We've phoned ahead, Carlisle knows we're coming," Edward says.

Sure enough, we pull up less than a minute later. I am gathered into Jasper's arms and carried up the steps. I turn my face to his chest and breathe deeply. His scent calming my shaking a bit.

"Bring her in here. What happened?"

"We were in class and her whole face just changed. She slumped over onto me and was clearly in pain. She vomited too, badly. It was black," Jasper says quickly, laying me down on the bed.

I can feel Carlisle doing his checks, but nothing was clear. Only shadows were distinct in my vision. Who knows, maybe I've been stabbed by a morgul blade without noticing.

"Jordan...can you see me?" Carlisle asks slowly.

"Not really," I reply, my voice raw sounding. "Only your sillouete."

Jasper grasps my hand, running his thumb over the back of it. I smile at the comforting gesture.

"I have to admit, I don't have much knowledge about fae. This definitely is not vampiric. This has something to do with her fae side. I'll look through my books, but I don't think there's going to be much in there," Carlisle says, concern lacing his words.

As he begins to leave, I prop myself up, trying my best to speak without sounding a minute from death.

"Don't bother with the fae books. Carlisle, do you have any books about the Quiluete wolves? Or their practices at least," I ask.

He halts in the doorway. "A few. Why?"

"I think you'd be better off looking there. None of this started happening until I spent time with them," I say.

Although I say 'them', my thoughts are only on Adrian. Something at the back of my mind is incredibly suspicious of all this. And it's timing.

"Okay. You get some rest now," Carlisle says.

"Darlin', lie back down," Jasper urges.

"Can you prop me up?" I ask.

He eases me back, but uses the pillows to hold me in a sitting position. My vision is getting a little better. But Jasper's features still aren't clear to me.

My throat is still burning, but that might be thirst considering I threw up most of what I ate yesterday.

"Alice, can I have a couple of minutes with Jasper, please?"

"Of course," she replies, and lightly bounds out of the room, closing the door on her way.

"What is it, Jordan?" He asks.

"I need to tell you something, that's all. But first." I shift on the bed so that I am facing him.

"What do you need to tell me?"

"Let me finish completely before you say anything or react, okay? Please. I--we--don't need something so stupid to mess things up. Okay? Please?" I say, twisting my hands together.

I can hear the apprehension in his voice. He's probably questioning himself right now, was he right to trust me? Have I gone behind his back? Did I throw all of this away?

"When you were away in Italy, after we...you sent that text...I dunno what happened, but suddenly I had all these feelings for a boy named Adrian," I start, swallowing nervously.

Jasper laughs quietly, but it isn't very humorous. "This would not be a good time to say you're in love with someone else."

My lips twitch up for a second, and I wince at the pain in my back. "I stick to my words before. You are the only one for me."

"What happened with Adrian?" He asks cautiously.

"We kissed once. After that I was disgusted and avoided him as best I could. I just cannot explain what happened," I say, frowning deeply as I recall the lost feeling that plagued me.

"Why are you telling me this?"

I sigh. "Because I didn't want you to find out via someone else and think I was trying to hide it from you. And..."

He reaches for my hand and squeezes it gently. "And?"

I swallow thickly, wincing once more. "And, because I think he may have something to do with my sickness."

His hand tightens. "Why would you think that?"

"All this weird stuff started happening after I started hanging out with them. But specifically Adrian. The vomiting only began after I suddenly felt these things for him," I say, some stress leaking into my voice. "They disappeared as soon as I had my first episode of this."

"That's why you told Carlisle to look at his Quilete books."

My eyesight has improved. I can see him, and his jaw clenched in fury.

I gulp and shift on the bed. If his fury is directed at me, then there's nothing I can do. In all our time together, I've always prayed never to have that looked aimed at me.

But what can I do? I can't blame Adrian for what I did...I was the one that kissed him. This mess is my fault.


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