(Council Summons)

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Jasper and I wander into the Cullens house. We've been hunting, so our eyes are now a deep, satisfied gold.

Carlisle is sitting with Emmett in the living room. Their eyes are fixed on the screen, mirrored expressions of concern on their faces. Emmett, perched on the corner piece, grins at me.

"Hey, long time no see, wings," he says, flinging a baseball between his hands.

"Sorry, big guy, I've been busy," I reply, dragging Jasper down to sit.

My phone dings, and I take it out to check while Jasper talks to Carlisle.

Hey, little fighter. What did I say about keeping in touch?

Hi, Kev. Sorry. Things have been...mental...to say the least. How are you and Sue?

We're all good. Been meanin to ask, you mind a visit sometime? She's been buggin ma head to see ya again. She likes you.

That would be nice. I'm graduating soon, so...I don't know. Give me some time and I'll see about a date?

Sure thing, kiddo. Keep yourself safe.

"Who you chatting to, huh, wings?"

I look up, finding the room's eyes on me. "It's just Kevin. He's asking about visiting."

Emmett grins. "Is that the 'little fighter' dude, Jasper?"

Jasper gives him a sidelong glare, while at the same time trying to maintain an innocent expression when I turn my eyes on him.

"You told him?" I ask, more amused than anything else.

"I may have mentioned by accident," Jasper says, letting his hair fall into his eyes. "Sorry."

"It's fine, Jaz," I say, smiling, "As long as Emmett doesn't use it. That nickname is coined."

Our conversation is cut short when the TV flares up with breaking news. The reporter is standing in front of a shadowed building, where police cars are swarmed.

"Seattle is in a state of terror," she announces, grabbing everyone's attention. "Police are baffled by the escalating murders and disappearances. Theories rang from a vicious new gang to a wildly active serial killer."

Jasper has turned to stone beside me, eyes trained on the woman, although by his vaguely glazed eyes his mind is clearly elsewhere. His tense body language tells me the place isn't very nice.

The door opens, shuts, and two sets of footsteps come towards the sitting area. The scents are strong, so I know who it is before I see them.

Edward and Bella arrive in the doorway as Carlisle turns off the TV.

"It's getting worse," he says gravely. "We're going to have to do something."

While the others talk and worry, I keep my eyes on Jasper. His muscles are rigid and he is still staring ahead, hands clasped tightly.

He speaks, jaw pulled taunt and his natural southern twang a lot stronger than usual. "It's takes more than one of our kind to cause the damage they're reporting." He turns to Edward, "Quite a few more. And they're undisciplined, conspicuous..."

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