12:Goku vs Vegeta

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The next day Goku comes over to Vegeta's house to spar with Vegeta

Vegeta and Bulma are sitting under a tree in front of their house when they see Goku flying towards them

Vegeta:what the!? isn't that Kakarot?, I thought he was off training

Goku still flying towards them yells "yo Bulma!!!!, Vegeta!!! "

Bulma:hey Goku! (Waves at Goku) (thinks to herself*oh!so Goku didn't go training, Vegeta must be glad*)

Goku lands in front of them

Goku:hey Bulma Hey Vegeta, what's up?

Bulma:me and Vegeta are just hanging


Vegeta:what do you want Kakarot?

Goku:well I'm doing nothing at the moment so i thought we could do a little sparring

Bulma:oh no! You guys aren't doing that today

Vegeta:don't worry Bulma, we won't be long

Goku:so you are in

Vegeta:of course


Goku and Vegeta head on to a dome like place outdoors, Bulma built it for sparring between two very strong people to prevent damages to the environment

Goku and Vegeta enter the dome

Goku:okay Vegeta...I'm ready (he says as he takes his battle pose)

I'm ready (he says as he takes his battle pose)

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Vegeta:good..i want you to come at me with full power (he says as he also takes his battle pose)

i want you to come at me with full power (he says as he also takes his battle pose)

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Goku:let's start of at base then slowly get higher in power

Vegeta:whatever (charges at Goku )

Goku blocks with one of his left arm and uses his right fist to give Vegeta a very hard punch to the stomach sending Vegeta a little bit backwards

Vegeta:not bad Kakarot..let's try that again!!!!!(he very quickly throws lots of blows at Goku)

Goku:(takes few hits and block the others)why don't we level up to crank things up a bit (levels up to super saiyan 1)

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