5: Autonomous Ultra Instinct reborn

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Pybara:I sense you have some sort of godlike energy, you'll have to access your godly ki then try to use the technique

Vegeta:hmm!(goes SSJ god)

Pybara:now that you are in your god form your body will be able to access the technique more easily because of your spirit is more controlled in god form


Pybara: so try it now.....you'll have a better chance now that are well rested

Vegeta:(positions himself ) ahh..!!(goes super Saiyan god)

Pybara:now the technique. Just clear your spirit


Back on earth
Goku and Gaddo are fighting at the same rate...no one seems to be winning or losing

Goku:(fighting off Gaddo)how'd you get so strong!?

Gaddo:fighting off Goku )i absorb people spirit...which adds to my power and abilities determined on how strong the person is..it also gives me access to all their skills and techniques!...you'll understand better after i absorb you!

Goku:Humph! I'd like to see you try(throws a hard punch to Gaddo)

Gohan,piccolo and the androids are having a tough time trying to beat Hades

Hades:(fighting of gohan, piccolo and the androids) i expected more from the allies of Goku San!

Gohan:don't worry bout' it!...you're gonna get even more than you expected!!(charges at Hades landing a very powerful blow on his stomach and begins to travel with his(Gohan) fist on Hades stomach)

you're gonna get even more than you expected!!(charges at Hades landing a very powerful blow on his stomach and begins to travel with his(Gohan) fist on Hades stomach)

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Hades drops his legs on the ground and causes Gohan to slow down until he makes a stop, Hades immediately blasts him in the chest

Piccolo:(attacking hades)

Android17:(attacking hades) it's 4 against one...there's no way you could win!

Hades: ...... HAHAHAHAHA! I could beat you guys with my eyes shut!

Android18:(attacking hades) I'm gonna help you shut those eyes

Hades: .......I'm getting tired of this....it's time to say goodbye

... :HUH!?

Hades:(prepares for an energy blast)

Gohan:guys!!...take cover!!

Hades: (fires a sun fire radiation blast that spreads at an immense speed) AHHH!!..

Piccolo:(blocking) ARGH!!.... this ki blast....it's....it's incredible....i don't think i can hold on any longer

Gohan:(blocking) ahhh!!....android 17 and 18 leave this place!....the blast is gonna fry you!


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