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Meerus and his clone are fighting in space

Meerus swings his staff at his clone, Meerus' Clone uses his arm to block the attacks

Meerus : you're blocking my attacks with your arms don't you feel any infliction of pain!?

Meerus' Clone: well of course I do, but the thing is that I heal faster than you can send another attack (smiles)

Meerus : (shocked)(stops attacking)(hangs his weapon on his back)(smiles) you're a very powerful person, just like me, you even look exactly like me. HA! HA! HA!. Why don't you join us, THE SUPREME ELITE GALACTIC PATROL UNIT, you have the potential, and it's getting kinda boring since I'm the only one in that unit

Meerus' Clone:(smiles) I'd love to, but I'm here on other terms, so... I'm still not your friend.

Meerus: oh well, I just didn't want someone as powerful as you to just be wasted away

Meerus' Clone: so you still have hope that you can beat me

Meerus: I know I can beat you, I just need to go all out!

Meerus' Clone: come at me with all you've got (*it's time to activate it*)(smiles)

Meerus draws out his staff and places the head of the axe on his chest

Meerus: my final move "ANGELIC STAFF DIVINE FORM"

The ornament at the top of Meerus' staff  slowly moves into his chest as it opens up


A burst of Bright colourful light vents from his body

Meerus' Clone:(*huh*) (takes a step back) (*his power level is multiplying by almost a million by the second*)(smiles)

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Meerus' Clone:(*huh*) (takes a step back) (*his power level is multiplying by almost a million by the second*)(smiles)

Meerus: you don't stand a chance against me in this form, back down now.

Meerus' Clone: ha! that won't be possible

Meerus: see you in another life

Meerus' Clone: (*maybe I should just do it now, before he gets too strong and I won't even be able to touch him, that would be wise*)

Meerus:do what now?

Meerus' Clone: you can read my thoughts!!??

Meerus: my abilities are limitless fool, now what where you talking about (he takes control of his clone's body and pulls his clone close to himself with his mind)

Meerus' Clone:it's a technique called DPM that people who have demon ki use to collect someone else's ki to multiply their own power level based on how strong the person they took the ki from is, my goal is to beat my target hard enough for him to break his limits and when his limits are broken I collect their ki, it's is considered as one of the top most powerful technique in the multiverse.

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