Past Memories

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The sun was now completely gone and the moon was out shining it's light on the village. Marx was outside and looking for Subaru to see if he had any clothes he could use for now. He asked one of the villagers and apparently he was out in the trial as miss Emilia was attempting it again. It the distance he could see them all gathered there and it seemed like the trial had already started. The blue light that covered the temple signaled that it had.

Marx: Hey Subaru!

Subaru turned around to see Marx waving to him

Subaru: Hey Marx what're you doing here? I thought I told you to keep an eye on Rem.

Marx: Yes I know sorry but I'm in need for some new clothes. Do you happen to have any I can borrow?

Subaru: Sorry to say but I don't. Maybe you can ask one of these villagers if they could lend you some.

Marx: Very well then thank you.

He went back to the village and began asking some of the villagers if they had any clothes to spare for him. There wasn't much luck as many of them either had none to spare or they just didn't want to. It wasn't until he saw Beatrice wave over at him to get over there.

Marx: Are you telling me to come over here?

Beatrice: What do you think? I called you over here because I can make you some clothes I suppose.

Marx: Really? Why do that all of a sudden?

Beatrice: Well I haven't really thanked you for saving my life a while ago so this makes us a bit even I suppose.

Marx: I guess that could count. Well what do I do?

Beatrice: Just stand there and let me do it.

She raised her hand and pointed it at him as a magic circle surrounded him. It went up and down his body as he felt something being placed on him. She was literally using magic to make clothes for him which he didn't know she was able to do. In a short while it was done and it was similar to his original uniform in color and style but just a bit different.

 In a short while it was done and it was similar to his original uniform in color and style but just a bit different

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(Something like this not my artwork obviously)

Marx: Thank you Beatrice this is much more than satisfactory.

Beatrice: Of course it is because I made it. Now you can leave and think of this as a little bit of me paying you back.

Marx: Alright then, thank you again.

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