State of Confusion

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[Rems POV]

I don't know what to do. I made a promise that the person who I loved would defeat them. It might not seem like a big deal but it is. Before I got my memories back I.... I was already starting to get these feelings towards him. After all he did save me from my sleep and helped me when I asked. Then after I got everything back, all of these things came back to me. When Subaru saved me from those mabeasts dogs, that memory was shadowed with Marx pushing me out of the way of the carriage. They almost act the same and have that same smile when they do something they enjoy. It makes me feel happy to see them like that, but I felt that way only for Subaru....... and now I share those same feelings towards Marx. Subaru has already admitted he only has feelings for Emilia, but I still wanted to be with him. I could act on this as well and ask Marx about it, but I don't even know if he feels as I do. At least I don't think he has feelings for anyone, but maybe he could and just hasn't said anything about it. Regardless I think I should tell him and see how it goes. Oh well it looks like I've finished working on his suit. I guess my in mind discussion passed the time for me, but I've been thinking to myself for almost two hours?! I should get this to him right now since it's already starting to get dark. I add the finishing touches and look over it one more time to make sure it looks perfect. Everything seems to be good so I fold it neatly and walk out my room to find his. As I'm walking over I start to wonder if I should tell him about my feelings. I only have a small amount of time to think it over before I make it to his room. I take a deep breath and knock on his door.

Marx: Who is it?

Rem: It's me Rem. I finished making your suit.

Marx: Oh then come in.

I opened the door and saw that he was sitting on a chair near his small table against the wall.

Rem: I hope I'm not interrupting anything.

Marx: Of course not I was just writing a letter to miss Crusch telling her about what has happened over these passed days.

Rem: Oh and does she... mean a lot to you?

Marx: What? Oh no she just helped me recover in return for defeating one of those archbishops. It's just a friendship that we formed and that's all.

Rem: Oh, I mean either is fine; here are your clothes.

I set them nicely on his bed and he stood up to examine it.

Marx: Wow amazing. This cloth feels nice and smooth. You did all this in such a short time?

Rem: If you think that's a short time then I don't know what you'd consider to be long.

Marx: Well you still did a pretty awesome job.

Then at that moment he did something that I didn't expect of him. He put his hand on my head and gently patted me. It felt nice and I smiled, but after a few pats he quickly pulled his hand back and I looked up confused as to why he stopped. His face was red and he has an embarrassed expression.

Marx: Sorry I don't know why I just did that. That was a bit weird wasn't it?

Rem: N-no it wasn't! I-I mean I didn't mind it at all so please don't feel like it was bad.

Marx: Alright then I appreciate this very much.

He started to head back to his work area.

Rem: Wait Marx before I go, I want to ask you something.

Marx: Hmm? Oh yeah, what is it?

Rem: W-well do you-?

Just then I suddenly had a flashback to what I heard Marx say before. When he told me his past, the thing he hated most was a demon. If I tell him how I feel, but also tell him about me, he will most likely not want to have anything to do with me. What if he doesn't want to even look at me anymore? I... have to ask him.

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