The Showdown

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Both Marx and Elsa stood there ready to fight waiting for one of them to make the first move. It was then interrupted by one of Meili's Mabeasts which ran out from behind him and charged. It looked like a hound but was instantly put down with a swipe of his sword. But as he turned around Elsa was already on the move and already more than halfway to where he stood. She thrusted her blade towards but missed her target as Marx threw himself back and tried to counter attack but was deflected. They started to circle eachother following each others movements. Until Elsa struck with more speed and power, Marx was barely able to dodge that attack as it grazed his clothes. She managed to get a kick on him sending him back but he stopped himself. He was about to get ready to attack until he looked to each side of him and was completely surrounded by mabeasts left and right, in front and behind. There were even some in the air above him.

Meili: Hehe, well I'd really like to see you guys fight more but I'd rather get this done quickly, so I'll just finish it here.

Elsa: You know you really shouldn't butt in to my battles.

Meili: Hush now, you can take a look at what's inside him when they finish tearing him up, well bye bye now.

She gestured her hand down and all at once the mabeasts charged toward Marx. He grated his teeth trying to see a way out but couldn't and was ambushed by all the beasts. Subaru and Beatrice still hid behind the house and saw the attack. Subaru stood up and was about to go and try to confront them but was stopped by Beatrice.

Subaru: What are you doing come on we have to help him.

He quietly whispered to her

Beatrice: Don't worry none of those attacks hit him directly. Just sit and watch if needed I will intervene I suppose.

Subaru hesitated but went back behind the house trusting what Beatrice said and they continued to watch the battle. There was a huge dust cloud from all the mabeasts attacks.

Elsa: Well maybe if we hurry we can get at least some of our tar-

She stopped as the ground began to shake intensely. Both of them looked to the pile of mabeasts and a huge explosion came from it. Blood and parts of the mabeasts flew almost everywhere. Marx was a bit covered in blood but not his, it was the mabeasts.

Meili: How were you able to avoid all those attacks at once?

Marx shook off some of the blood and guts on him and turned to answer her.

Marx: Easy, I phased through all of them and once they bumped into each other I used magic to blast them all away. Also you should make sure your opponent will die when you say things like that.

She gives off a angry expression but shakes it off and puts a smile back on.

Meili: Well even with my beasts gone I still have magic, not to mention it's still two against one haha!

With that she started to blast red shards at his direction. He avoided them all and began to get closer and closer with every blast she did. Elsa charged at him to stop his advance.

Marx: Phosphorus strike!

He shouted as his swords lit up in flames and clashed against Elsas blades. She had a strained look as the fire from the blades reached her arms making her weaken on holding Marx back. She managed to push him off leaving her burned along with a bit of her clothes.

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