The Demon within

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Subaru was filled with anger and sadness as he saw Marx fall to the ground. He blamed himself for not being able to get to them in time and warn them. Now Beatrice was the only one left going up against those monsters. And Subaru remembers what happened last time she went up against them, so he didn't have much hope for anything. Beatrice picked herself up and positioned her back into a fighting stance.

Elsa: Well that was a bit unfortunate, I was going for your insides. But I guess I at least got his *giggles*

Beatrice gave an angry look but wasn't going go down without a fight. She lifted her hand to summon more of her shards but was immediately sent back with a kick from Meili. She was kicked into the house Subaru was by which was now destroyed and revealed him.

Meili: I think we've had enough of those little shards for today. And it looks like we have another target revealed.

Beatrice stood back up from the rubble dusting herself off as she walked in front of Subaru to continue fighting. She was pulled back by him as he gave her a saddened look.

Subaru: Don't do it Beaco, you'll die.

She was breathing heavily but shrugged his hand off as she continued to walk.

Beatrice: As long as I die protecting you from harm... it's okay, I suppose.

She said once again getting ready to fight lifting her arms in the air ready to summon more magic. The two assassins began walking toward them with sinister smiles. They eventually stopped a good distance from each other to make a stand-off. Elsa was about ready to strike until they were interrupted by a strange rumble of the ground. The wind also picked up and the weather started to change as well from sunny, to dark gloomy clouds covering the sky. It looked as if it was about to rain but it didn't. Then Subarus eyes went over to what could be causing this to happen. Marx's body emitted a bright black aura that felt powerful. Then all of a sudden he stood up from his laying position all the way to his feet in an instant as more of the black aura covered him. The only thing visible was his silhouette and something started to happen to him as they all looked in awe.

Marx: You won't lay a finger on any of them. 

His voice sounded more gravelly than it did before and as he said that the wind started to pick up and grew more intense. Then his silhouette showed two sharp objects come from his head and had a reddish glow. That's when everyone there knew exactly what was happening. Marx was a Demon. A few seconds passed before the black aura cleared and revealed Marx. He looked like a complete different person and a whole lot more horrifying. Subaru only knew about how Rem grew her horn and lost sense of mind, but with Marx he seemed to change in general. His face was now very pale, his hair went from spiked  to a flat type of hair, and he had a smile on him that belonged to an insane person. At this point Subaru felt more afraid for what would happen to the assassins.

Meili: Wowee a Demon! Well you're the first one I've seen, but unfortunately you're gonna have to die. Elsa finish this now please.

Elsa: Gladly, I've never seen the inside of a demon.

She dashed to him with more speed than she showed before and swiped her blade across Marx passing him, but all he did was stand still. Elsa looked behind her as she expected him to fall soon but he didn't. Everyone looked in confusion as they did see him get hit directly.

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