Demonically Inspired

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Their whole bodies shook in fear and anxiousness as he approached them. Rem summoned sprouted her horn ready for a fight, Marx looked over at her feeling troubled that he wasn't able to use his. After a good distance was put between them Regulus stopped smirking at the two before fixing his hair and spoke to them.

Regulus: What's this, you've drawn your weapons even though I haven't done a single thing wrong? What authority do you have over me to determine what-

Marx: Silence that tongue! You know very well that the things you've done have brought nothing but pain and suffering!

Regulus: I see, your that knight who managed to defeat Batenkaitos. Yes I'm fairly certain you are, what is your name since you clearly know me.

Marx: I'm Marx Waymann! You've wasted enough time with talk, either leave this place or else you face your demise!

Regulus: No I don't think I will.

With a quick strike of his hand an invisible force slashed towards them making them dodge apart from eachother. They stood up quickly and both dashed towards him with Rem swinging her Morningstar back to attack, and Marx getting closer to get him up close. Corneas just stood smirking as he swiped his sword across dealing no damage from a barrier surrounding him. He gasped as he saw no damage occurred and quickly retreated avoiding another invisible attack. Rems attack also failed hitting the same shield on him. Both now back in the same position looked back at eachother.

Marx: Rem do you have any idea why were not able to touch him?

Rem: No, I don't understand it either.

Regulus: Hey, I think it's quite unfair that you get to talk while you silenced me.

He grabbed some pebbles from the ground and threw them which didn't seem like much, but they quickly picked up speed and almost drove themselves into Marxs body if he didn't avoid them. Once again Marx ran to him in quick maneuvers, but he didn't strike him with his swords instead he was able to drive him back with an explosive magic spell. Smoke covered the small area and Marx was surprised that his attack might have done some damage. Though it was short lived as more of those deadly rocks were hurled at him to fast and close to avoid hitting him in his shoulder and right leg. He yelled in pain and quickly went back to cover behind some boulders with Rem.

Rem: Marx! Are you gonna be alright?!

Marx: Y-yeah I am, cmon I can still fight.

She nodded and they changed up their strategy with Rem attacking with magic from a distance and Marx charging at him attacking the area around him so he had no where to go. Regulus was looking a bit agitated seeing that he was in fact hurt by the recent attack. He brought his hand up and slashed down in Marxs direction only barely hitting hit cheek as Marx returned an attack sending him back. They were slowly making progress, but Corneas was easily getting more and more annoyed. His attacks grew in speed making it almost hard to avoid. As Marx went back in for an attack he looked over his shoulder seeing Rem was being damaged by the attacks he avoided even though she also tried avoiding them. Distracted by the sudden realization, Corneas wasted no time in exploiting the distraction and send a wind attack that landed straight in the stomach of Marx.

Rem: Marx!!

There was no sound but the slash of the flesh as the attack connected. He was sent flying back until Rem caught him out of the air. She carried him and retreated behind some more cover where he couldn't find them.

Rem: Marx, speak to me!

He groaned as he moved, she wasted no time in healing his wounds or at least tried to heal as much as she could.

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