Help from Allies

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A bright light filled the room as the sun rose to signal morning. In the bed Marx laid there barely starting to wake up as the sun filled covered his eyes. He rubbed his eyes and sat up slowly as he winced from the pain in his body.

Marx: (Is this someone's house? No, it looks like more like the inside of a mansion room)

He looked around the room and it was neat and tidy, it was only about a minute before someone opened the door.

Crusch: Great your awake, you sure had quite the battle didn't you?

Marx: Uh hi, I'm sorry but where am I?

Crusch: You are currently staying in the The House of Kartsen.

Marx: I'm sorry if I caused you any trouble.

Crusch: Trouble? Do you have any idea what you were able to do? You took down an archbishop and you call that being trouble?

Marx: Well to be honest I'm pretty sure I wasn't the one to get the final blow.

Crusch: Well even if that's the case you did the most work to get that archbishop down and open for the attack. In my book that still counts as your victory.

Marx: Thank you, I appreciate it.

He tried to sit up a bit more but was unable to from the injuries.

Crusch: Woah easy there, Felix only managed to heal most of you but some of the injuries you got were a bit more difficult so he was only able to heal the less severe places. He will be here shortly to heal the rest.

Marx: Alright, thank you again for what your doing for me. If possible I'd like to be up and ready to leave by tomorrow morning.

Crusch: Why so soon? Do you have somewhere you have to be?

Marx: Yeah, I have to get back to a place called the sanctuary. That's where my master Subaru is at and I shouldn't have even left his side.

Crusch: Wait Subaru? Subaru Natsuki?

Marx: Yes that's him, you know him I take it?

Crusch: Well yeah, he's the one who helped take down the white whale and managed to help bring me back safely here at the cost of my memories.

Marx: Wait, you've also fell to his attack on ones memories?

She nodded looking a bit saddened being reminded of it.

Marx: Then I guess he was telling the truth. Damn it.

He quietly said as he hit the side of the bed in a bit of  anger.

Crusch: Slowly I've been trying to remember everything and I think it does work. I've remembered who Felix was and some of the things we did. I've also have had some other things return but haven't been able to fully understand them.

Marx: You've been able to get some back? Then that means that it's still possible to get them back.

A glimmer of hope sparked inside of him as he thought about it. Even if he didn't know very much about her, Subaru could most certainly help with it. A few hours passed with Crusch and Marx exchanging information about what she remembered and what he used to do. Just as he was in thought the door opened once again and a demi human came out. It was a cat like human with a sort of maid outfit on.

Felix: Miss Crusch are you in- Oh I see he's finally awake.

Crusch: Felix good thing that your here. I think you should finish healing uhh- I'm sorry I didn't even ask you your name.

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