Jhope then called everyone to start the practice again.

This is the only time I can get to interact with her during work. We don't talk as much she doesn't avoid me though she just acts like nothing happened. She acts very cool and nonchalant. I know this is her way of coping. And I am trying my best to distance myself to help her move on.

We went home in our dorm early. The guys wanted to have some bonding time so they ordered food and bought some booze so we can unwind from the gruelling schedule and practice.

Everyone is in the living room except for Jungkook and Sammie.  Jungkook is still at the agency doing some recording. He normally do the ending adlibs for our songs so he has more recording time than us. He is out main vocalist anyway.

Sammie wanted to rest and sleep as she feels exhausted according to Taehyung so it's just the six of us right now.

We are eating and drinking and talking about random stuff when Jin open a topic.

JN: "Jimin I know the others wanted to know as well and this is the only time that we can ask you about it. What happened between you and Sammie?"

JM: "We broke up!"

SG: "We know! What we don't know is why?"

RM: "It's their personal stuff guys we don't really need to meddle!"

JN: "We are a team! We are family it is personal to us too. We need to know how to handle the situation. We cannot act like everything is normal!"

JM: "I am sorry guys if you are being affected by this. It's all my fault. It's not going to work out so we decided to end things between us."

JH: "But  you love Sammie, And Sammie loves you? Why won't it work if both sides loves each other?"

JM: "It is pretty complicated. Please trust me that this is for the best. The decision that I made is the best for Sammie. And yes I love her but it is not enough to stay together!"

JN: "I trust you Jimin. I know that you would not do anything to harm or deliberately hurt Sammie. But I can see you having a hard time same goes with her. We just wanted to know how to help. You guys are important to us. Whatever it is you know we will always support you."

V: " We are family Jimin. Trust us we won't betray you. We are just here to help!"

RM: "I guess you need to tell them brother. No point of keeping it a secret at this point."

JM: "Okay i know.. So ....[Jimin told everyone the real reason of the break up. The whole story]"

SG: "That is just so messed up. Namjoon can't we do anything about that?"

RM: "I tried talking to PD nim but it's a contract and Jimin signed for it. So it is a binding contract!"

JN: "Why did you pursue Sammie knowing that you signed for a Dating Ban??"

JM: "I wasn't thinking straight that time. The Tzuyu issue and the reveal just happened. I have been drinking and is out of my wits that I just said yes to every clause. I didn't have plans pursuing Sammie. I was planning to wait for the Dating Ban to be lifted before doing so. But I got jealous of guys being near her so I asked her to be my girlfriend!"

SG: "That is just so messed up Jimin!"

JM: "I know I am so fucked up. And I hurt the person I love the most because I was being ruled by emotions and not my brains!"

SG: "That's not what I meant Jimin. The situation is just so messed up, not you. I know you did it because Sammie sacrificed a lot to be where she is right now and you don't want her to throw it away for you!"

JN: "But she deserves to know the truth. It's her decision on what she wants to happen. When it comes to relationship you need to be honest most specially when it comes to problems like this. You cannot make the decision for her you need to both decide together.?!"

SM: "I totally agree! But what is done is done. We cannot change anything anymore. So you guys don't need to worry about it!"

JM: "S-s-Sammie!!??"

SM: " We all need to move on from this it might be hard at first and I am sorry if you guys are getting affected, but we will move on from this just give it time. Regardless of how deep the wound us it will heal. It might leave a scar but it will heal. So guys don't worry so much!"

V: "Sammie, we worry because we care and love you. We cannot not worry okay. But if you want us not to say anything about it that we can do. But we will still worry that's our job as your older brother, we worry!"

SM: "I know Oppa thank you for that! But we will be okay. Right Jimin Oppa?"

JM: " Y-y-yes of course. We will in t-time!"

SM: "Yes someday it will no longer hurt!....."



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