chapter 9

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Rosella POV

I can hear the sound of bird chirping, I open my eyes slowly to see where am I. I saw mrs.wellington sat beside my not so comfy bed. I can see her teary eyes. When I try to speak, I heard someone clicking pen over and over . I burst out my eyes open in panick.
"W....what? Am...I d..dead?" I sound very whispery. I try to keep my eyes shut hoping that this is not real, I want to reach mrs.wellington again. I wait for 3 seconds, then I open my eyes again. This can't be real. I remember, I was being kidnapped, by stupid psycho.
I turn my head to the right slowly, found someone sitting on the floor near the couch while he hold a glass of something red water?
(Red wine)
I try to lift a bit my body silently not to get any attention, "ouch" at the end I let it out groan in so much pain on my head.
"Baby? You awake?? Are you okay? Is it still hurt?" I startle when the person who sat down on the floor, rush over me. He hold tight my shoulder.

I realize it was him, Eleano

"Yes...I..I'm okay a bit. And its still hurt on my head,like someone was attacking me and cheek is a bit swollen? What happen?"
What nonsense are you talking about you stupid woman?attack?really?

I heard someone chuckle. I raise my head a bit to see him laugh? What so funny? I gave him a weird look.

"Are you hungry love? I made you chicken porridge" he try to feed me. And pull away to taste it. I raise my left brow.

"Ricardo, come here" his stern cold voice calling his men.
A man with a suit,bald head came. "Yes bos?"

"Throw this porridge, get me a new one" he said with serious tone.

Throw it away??

"Ermm....I aaa..." I try to interupt him, something was stopping me to say it out loud. He snap his head to face me.
"Yes love? You want to eat something else? " he asked me gently.
"No...I...I mean why you throw it away? I'm sorry I know it's not my problem...sorry" I mutter stuttered to him. Bow my head down while playing my finger.
He grip gently my hand and I lift my head to look at him.
"Your problem is my problem also. I threw it away,the porridge it was cold. I'm afraid that you don't like it." He softened his husky voice to me.
"It's..okay. I can still eat it. I...I want that porridge" I said to him.
"Okay" He gesture is hand by waving to ricardo out of the room.
Now, it's me and him Alone.
I saw he use the same spoon that he taste a minute ago,and try to feed me.
"S...sir...I mean Eleano. Ermm can you change the spoon? It's not that dirty. I mean, you also use that spoon a minute ago. I'm not use to share the spoon with a guy.I aaa....sorry" He smirk to my suggestion.
" you need to used to it love. Here " He direct the spoon near my drooling mouth. I smell not so strong wine, I think he's drunk?
"Errr...I I can eat it by myself. Why..why don't you rest a bit..."
I was shocked by his behavior, I quickly back away from him. I feel my hot tears betrayed me from coming out.
He was really angry, he's drunk.

I was saying I can eat by myself, why is he so angry? This guy is possesive. I need to get out of here. I can feel my forehead and my palm getting very sweaty.
He threw it away the bowl of porridge that I want to eat, it such a waste people like him. He went out, slam the door loudly.
My tears can't stop streaming down to my cheeks. I was so afraid that I hug my knees bring it close to my chest.
My head still hurts so bad, why my life is miserable?
Please god, bring me my shiny amor knight. Help me ou
t from here. I don't wanna die the hand from the devil.
I buried my forehead to my knee.

Its been a long time I post story.
Had been so busy lately also it was short.
Please, ENGLISH is not my first language.

Stay tune 🍀💜❤

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