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"y/n, don't say stupid things." he responded, not quite knowing what else to say. "please just hear me out, you were right." he added. "i should've believed in what you said, but i didn't because i was too upset about everything that was going on."


he raises a brow, confused.

"don't give me that crap, jungkook." you warn with an angered expression replacing your previous one.

"this whole time, i got nothing but disgrace put on my name." you told him off. "i've been busy dealing with so much shit, yet you weren't there to help me through it."

"us being together is meaningless!" you raised your voice. "you aren't here for me regardless, but only come to me whenever you needed to get your damn desires fulfilled." you went off.

"i know we've never had sex, but i know if we keep going, we eventually will and it'll become a normal thing. just like how you treat other girls." you add.

he was silent. he stood across from you, just staring as you let out your anger on him. jungkook found himself staring too long, but he couldn't help it due to how astonished he was by your words.

the audacity.

it wasn't just anger, but it was also true thoughts and feelings.

"yerin was right." you add. "now thinking about it, i probably am just a pushover just like she said." you continued. "i'm nothing, jungkook. and us being together shouldn't be happening. we're completely different people in our own different little worlds."

he stared at you, with sympathy in his eyes.

"we don't click. we aren't meant to be."

with all that said, you turned on your heel to leave. tears stream down your stained cheeks as you silently sobbed on your way toward the metal door.

"why didn't you tell me?" he asked from behind. you stop within your steps — your back still facing him.

"why didn't you tell me what was going on?" he proceeds to bombard you with questions. "why did you decide to keep this all to yourself?"

you were frozen, clueless of how to respond. all you wanted to do was to leave.

you heard his steps approaching you. it was already too late to leave when he wraps his hand gently around your upper arm, slowly turning your around to face him. he used index finger to bring your chin up causing you to make direct eye contact with him.

"i should've known about what was going on." he said, tucking your hair behind your ear, afterwards caressing your cheek.

he stared at you with pity in his eyes. genuine pity. jungkook felt horrible after hearing about what has been going on behind closed doors. he knew you didn't deserve it. he knew you deserved the world.

tears began to brim on the edge of his eyes, but you saw as he tried his hardest to keep them in.

you brought your hand up, grasping onto his.

you pushed his hand down, seeing nothing at all but darkness in his eyes. "i'm sorry for everything." you said, taking a step back.

"y/n, give me another chance to fix everything. to better our relationship." he attempts to persuade you.

but you don't buy it.

it's not that you didn't want to, but you weren't able to. everything was already too much — too much for you to handle. you needed some time to think.

"please, one more more chance is all i need." your endless stream of tears continued to escape your eyes just by looking at him. you felt a lump forming
in your throat, as if it prevented you from speaking.

"i need some time."

jungkook's lips parted, and before he was able to say anything, you spoke. "i'm sorry." you lastly said, and turned on your heel.

at that exact moment, the door of the rooftop opens revealing taehyung.

"where the hell were you?" he asks, worry filling his tone of voice. taehyung was out of breath, beads of sweat on his forehead as he was panting. his chest heaved up and down at a fast pace.

he was looking all over for you, worried.

jungkook looks at taehyung, feeling some type of anger overcome him. taehyung's eyes eventually landed on him too.

right away, taehyung already knew what was going on. a break up. his worried expression soon became into a cold glare towards jungkook. taehyung knew that he hurt you, and didn't want you seeing him.

taehyung held the door opened, "let's go, y/n." he said, nothing but sternness replacing his tone. you listened and walk past the door, feeling jungkooks gaze watch you exit the rooftop.

once passing that doorway, you knew things were bound to be over between the both of you.

you had a heart made of glass. easy to be broken, but hard to bring the pieces back together.

and tonight, your heart shattered.

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