PD: "I see . Well I have heard that you are all doing a great progress. Anyway that is not what I want to talk to you about."

J: "Okay what is it then?"

PD: "Do you remember the last time we talk. After your announced marriage scandal. Remember that we renew your contract and with it is a dating ban right for 3 years!"

J: "Is this about Sammie and I? I was just waiting for the perfect timing to talk about it. I wanted to......!"

PD: "We sign a contract for that dating ban. I don't want to do this but you violated that contract!"

J: " I understand. What is it that you want to happen then?"

PD: "I talked about this with the other executives. And they were concern that the contract was violated and that you are in a relationship with another member. I don't have any issues with that in all honesty. You guys are like my kids but I am not the sole person who decides on this matter!"

J: "What is the decision then?"

PD: "You have two options Jimin.1st is you break up with her and continue the journey as a team. 2nd option is we will remove Sammie in the team and launch her as a solo artist!"

J: "Why will you remove her? Why not me I am the one who violated the contract not her. She didn't even know about the ban!"

PD: " Those are the only options. Of course the executives are still thinking about the business. It will still be profitable if we put you in an all male group instead of keeping Sammie and remove you. Sammie have more chance to make it as a solo artist because she is multi talented enough to make it solo!"

J: "But PD-nim Sammie won't want a solo career she said so before. If it's not with the team she wouldn't keep going through this industry. It's her dream of becoming an Idol. I don't want her to suffer just because of me!"

PD: "With that being said then you know what option you need to choose!"

J: "But PD-nim I love her. We love each other. This would break her heart . She has been through hell because of me and I don't want to put her through that again! There might be some other way!"

PD: "Believe me Jimin I did try my best to persuade them. I told them to let this slide maybe for now. But a signed contract is a signed contract. If we will let you slide then we should do the same to those who will violate the contract in the future ! I know that this would be pretty hard for you but I hope you understand!"

J: "I totally understand it's just that it's unfair I am the one who is suppose to suffer, I am the one who is suppose to get penalize why is she included in this sanction. It is unfair!"

PD: "I am just letting you know about their decision Jimin. The final say would be coming from you. You have two options to choose from so think of it wisely."

J: "Both decision will have the same result. We will both end hurt but I don't want her to be remove from the team just because of me. That's gonna be a double suffering from her part!"

PD: "I am not promising you anything but I'll try to check on some other option. But you need to make a decision as soon as you can. Don't prolong which is inevitable!"

J: "I understand. Thank you PDnim!"

PD: "My heart goes out for the both of you. You are like my own kids. I'm sorry if I can't protect you enough!"

J: "It's okay PDnim. I'll head out now!"

PD: " Take care Jimin. Talk to me anytime. Arasso!"

****End of FLASHBACK***"

I am in so much pain right now. I can't imagine how much worse is she feeling . I will totally understand if she would hate me and not talk to me.

I could not tell her the truth because I know she would make the sacrifice for me and I don't want that. I want her to continue living her dream that she worked hard for. I know that letting her go would be my greatest regret.

But I can't be selfish. I love her that much that I am willing to sacrifice my own happiness. I can take it. It would be a painful process but it's okay for me to suffer I just don't want her to throw away everything she have because of me.

I can't bear the thought the one day she might regret choosing me over her dreams. I am just hoping someday she would find it in her heart to forgive me!"


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