Chapter Thirty-Three

Start from the beginning

"Oh Emily, if only you knew how much we have a hand in on Earth. The Selarians found me just when I needed them most. Luckily, I survived the transition and, if I do say so myself, am now the best I have ever been." He dangled his legs from the edge of the rocky cliff he was still perched on above me.

My eyes widened in surprise and horror. "Are you trying to tell me that you were turned into a Selarian? How long ago? Are there more of you?" I spluttered, unable to decide on what to ask first. A terrible feeling of unease began to spread throughout me.

Kyle nodded, holding his hand up in the air as he watched the darkness bend at his command between his white fingers.

"I was turned about two years ago now. Selarians have been here longer than you or the Naurians believe. I am now the commander, and, little Emily, I have news for you..." He let his voice trail off dramatically as he stared down at me.

Suddenly, he vanished into the darkness. I spun, looking around frantically for the man I knew would do nothing but harm me. As easily as he had disappeared, Kyle emerged from the darkness inches from my face. The shadows surrounded me, constricting my arms and legs so that I was unable to move as Kyle swept even closer.

"Who turned you?" I grit out, my breath tight as the shadows squeezed even harder. It was as if I was being slowly crushed by a boa constrictor. I'd rather have the snake, if I were being honest. If I had to choose death by either a snake or Kyle... I knew what I would choose.

"The Prince himself." At my expression Kyle snickered, "No, not your Prince." He brushed a piece of my hair from my eyes, "The Prince of Selaria. He used his blood to turn me. You see, it was Selarians that first discovered the compatibility of the human body to that of our alien friends, the Naurians and Selarians."

I was about to tell him that he was full of shit when he continued his rant, "The Naurians caught on quickly of course, and arranged a formal agreement with our government on Earth. The Selarians assigned me to infiltrate the program, as we knew the Naurians main goal was to find a mate for their Prince Kadeon to carry on their Royal line."

I began to feel sick as I stared at Kyle in poorly veiled horror. I was not liking the way that this was going. At all. I waited for him to continue.

"When we finally had a patient that survived the preliminary serums and moved on to the DNA splicing," He looked me up and down appreciatively, confirming my fears that he was now talking about me specifically. "I was told that I was to be working with you directly. To ensure your survival, and make sure that your transformation was a success."

I could feel the queasiness begin to bubble in my stomach. My brain was screaming for me to get out. My mouth was dry as I glared up at the man who had ensured my torture.

"You see, Emily, you are truly special."

"No." I shook my head, denying what I somehow knew he was going to tell me.

He grinned at my reaction. "You are special, because you are not only come from a strong, pure-blooded Naurian... your mate," He snickered, "but... you also come from a strong, pure-blooded Selarian... our Prince." His voice was sickly smooth as I felt the colour drain completely from my face.

I shook my head again, vehemently this time. "No! What do you mean by that?" I growled, thrashing against the shadows. I could feel a similar surge of energy similar to how I had managed to catch myself on fire before I had been mated to Kade begin to stir within me.

"What I mean my dear Emily, is that you are also part Selarian. Your mate's sworn enemy."

I could feel a tear make its way down my cheek. I was enraged, so much so that I began to vibrate. I felt the hold the shadows had on me begin to loosen. Kyle seemed too utterly transfixed on his story to notice anything different. He still viewed me as non-threatening. My glare only hardened as I stared him down.

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