chapter 5

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A/n- from now on I will write it in the I form instead of the you form.

I woke up really early today. It was friday and that meant that it is almost weekend. I got up and changed into robes. And did my hair and brushed my teeth. I feel really sad but I wanted to go on with life. I woke up Hermoine and the two of us went to the great hall to get breakfast. "How did you sleep ?" I ask Hermoine. "I slept great and you?" She asked "ok I guess" I say. "I heard we are going to do a really hard potion." Hermoine says. "Oh no I,m so bad at it. I hope we can work in pairs otherwise I,m going to fail" I really wanted to work with Hermoine because she is basicly good in anything so she can help me a bit. "I hope Snape doesn't choose the pairs maybe we'll be paired with a slytherin." Hermoine says. When we were ready we went to class. "We are really early"I say while we were walking into the classroom. I looked around and I saw that no one was there yet. "Come we are going to sit here" Hermoine says. I walk up to her and sat next to her. "I wonder what potion we are going to make." Says Hermoine. "Me to." I say. I grabbed my book and put it down in the corner off the table. Then Draco and his henchman walk in the classroom."oh no" I thought. They walk past my table and bumped the table causing my book to fall off the table. "Sorry" Draco says and he picked up my book and put it back on the table. "Thanks" I say. You feel slightly awkward. "No problem" he says and he walked away. "That was wierd" Hermoine says. "Yeah" I say...Since when is Draco nice... Draco and Crabbe sat down in front off me and Hermoine. Then other students came walking into the classroom. A few minutes later Snape walked in."turn to page 174. today we braow polyjuce. Because it's a hard potion to braow we do this in partners" Snape says with his monotone voice. I hear people talking. They're probably discuss with who they wanna work with. But Snape interups"but I,m going to choose the partners" he then says. I sigh and look at Hermoine. I hear the studens around me cossiping who don't agree with Snapes discion. Snape claps with his hands and all the attention is back to Snape again. "Now I,m going to pair you up now and no exeption." Snape says. I really hate this class. especially now. "Miss Granger with mister Goyle" I hear Hermoine sigh. Then Snape starts again" Miss y/l/n with mister Malfoy" ....f*ck. No,no,no! Why! Life is really turning its back to me....   When Snape was done everyone sits were they need to sit. I didn't need to move because Draco sat down next to me. "This potions takes two weeks to braow so that means you will sit with the partner your sitting with right now for the next two weeks" Snape says. ....oh no.... You see people standing up to get ingrediënts. "Will you take the ingrediënts than I will grab the cauldron" Draco says. I nod and got up and grabbed the ingrediënts and walked back and put them on the table and sat down. I grabbed my book and look at the instructions I widend my eyes because I didn't understand anything from the instructions. Draco saw the look on my face and looked at me."are you ok?" He asked. "how on earth do you want to do this. " I say. Draco laughed and says"you have me I understand what to do so don't worry" "how do you understand this, this is the most complicated thing I,ve ever read." I already started panicking because I,m so bad at potions. And you always felt really dumb while potions class and you find that really embarrassing even when you are working with Hermoine, but know you are working with Draco and that is even more embarrassing. "You're really not good at this, are you?" Draco says. "Nope and I,m already sorry for making your grade bad" I say. "It's fine because we both are going to have a good grate" Draco says grabbing the the first ingrediënt. "I hope so" I make eye contact with Hermoine. She gives me a thumbs up to wish me luck. I smile at her and look back in my book. "Can you cut this?" Draco than asks. "I guess" I say and grab the ingridiënt and a knife. "it moves so beware." I try to cut it but it jumped away. I try to grab it but it kept jumping away. Draco grabbed it."do you need some help?" He says. "No I want to do it myself." I say grabbing it from Draco's hands. And O try it again but it jumped away again and it fell on the ground. Draco got up and grabbed it."maybe I need some help."I chuckle. Draco pulled the ingridiënt down on the table.(he stood behind me with his arms over my shoulders) "now cut, but don't cut me" he says. "I won't cut you. That's not what I,m suposed to do." I say. I grab the knife and I cut it. Draco put it in the cauldron and he sat down. "So uhm about the accident a few days ago with dinner" Draco started. "I don't want to talk about it"I say fast. .....why Draco why, I just started to feel comfortable and than you need to ruin it......Me and Draco continue working. And it was really embarrassing. until we did everything we could do. I grabbed all the ingridiënts to put them back but while I did that I burned my hand on the cauldron and I flinch my hand back. "Are you ok?" Draco asked. "Yeah I,m fine." I say. Than Snape walked up to us. "She needs to go to the hospital wing" he says. "Why, I ,m fine" I say. "There was something on the side off the cauldron and that can cause a really bad infection." Snape says."malfoy take Y/l/n to the hospital wing" .....oh no not him why not Hermoine..... Draco got up and so did I. We walked out of the classroom and on our way my hand started hurting. I stand stil and grabbed my hand with my other hand. "Does it hurt?" Draco asked. "Yes, it hurts so bad" I say. It really hurted bad it stung. I couldn't move my hand and wanted the pain to stop."come" Draco says and grabbed my arm and pulled me with him. Tears started to fill my eyes and before I knew it I started crying. (Because off how much pain I have).
Draco wraped his arm around my shoulder and comforted me. It hurted so bad that I started to feel dizy. "I feel dizy." "We are almost there."
When we were there madame Pomfrey runned up to us and grabbed me and put me on an bed. "You can go now I'll be fine." I say to Draco. "No you can't leave I need your help" madame Pomfrey says. "You need to gold her because I,m going to clean the spot and that's going to hurt a lot." You widend your eyes when she said that it's going to hurt a lot. Draco sat next to you and madame Pomfrey grabbed something to clean your wound with. "You -she pointed at Draco- hold her arm so she can't move it." Madame Pomfrey said. Draco grabbed my arm and madame Pomfrey dabbed the superstance on your wound with a cotton pad. It hurted so bad. I lay my head on Draco's shoulder and tears roll down my sheeks. "I,m so sorry y/n but it needs to be clean otherwise you become very sick." Madame Pomfrey. She stopped dabbing and I lifted my head ik from Draco's shoulder. Madame Pomfrey wrapped a piece of gauze around my hand. "You can go to class again be careful with your hand a few days and than you'll be fine."said Madame Pomfrey. "Thank you madame Pomfrey." I say with a little smile on my face. Me and Draco got up and walked to class. "Can I talk to you after school?" Draco asked. "sure." I say. We walk into the classroom and sat down. But then you heard the bell and grabbed your book and put in your bag. "Bye" Draco says. "Bye." I say. He stood up and walked out off the classroom. Than Hermoine runned up to me."y/n are you ok!" She says. "Yeah I,m fine." I say. "It only hurts a bit." Me and Hermoine walk out off the classroom and I explained everything that happend while we walk to our next class. We had  transfiguration. After class professor McGonagall called you to stay. "I needed to tell you that your parents funeral is tomorrow" McGonagall says. You nod. "You can take a friend with you." She says. "Ok, thank you professor." I say. McGonagall nodded. I walk out and head to lunch. You sit down next to Hermoine. "What did McGonagall say?" She asked. " parents funeral is tomorrow." I say with a sigh. "Can you go with me?" "Uhm.....I don't know
Y/n." She says. "Harry?" I ask. "they probably know me and they would look at me." He says. ....why don't they want to go with me they're my friends.... I wanted to ask Ron but I didn't think he would comfort me but I gave it a try. "Ron? Would you go with me?" I ask. "No I,m sorry. I don't think I can comfort you." He says. I nodded and I take a bite from my food. "Maybe you should ask Malfoy." Hermoine sugest. "Malfoy!?"Ron and Harry say in unison. "Yeah why Malfoy?" I ask Hermoine. "Well, I think he can comfort you." She says. "Him, comforting? No. He's probably going to knok y/n out." Says Ron. "Y/n and Malfoy worked together in potions right?" Says Hermoine. "And then she needed to go to the hospital wing and he needed to go with y/n and y/n said he was really nice." I feel really awkward right now but just smile. When I was done eating I went to my next class.
After school I meet up with Draco. "Hey" I say when I see him. "Hey!" He says back."uhm now I want to talk about the incident." He says. "Oh uhm... Yeah... It was nothing I didn't know what I was saying." I say. "But was it true what you were saying?" He asked. I really started to feel uncomfortable and wanted to walk away but I didn't. "Most likely." I say. "Was it true of not?" He asked again. "Uhm..yeah it was. But-" I got cut off by Draco."it's fine I know enaugh." He says. I smile and wanted to walk away. "Y/n wait."Draco says and I turn around. "Do you want to go to hogsmead tonight?" He asked and he turned light pink. "Sure!" I say. And walk away. You got to the gryffindor common room and you see Hermoine sitting at a table making het homework. You sit next to her. "Help!" I half scream. Hermoine looked up and says:"what is it y/n?" "Draco asked me to go to hogsmead with him and I said -sure-." I say. "Ooo. Why are you so panicked?" She says. "I don't know." I say. "then you can immediately ask him if he wants to go to your parents' funeral." Hermoine says. "Yeah. That's true." I say and grabbed my books to make my homework.
After dinner you walked out off the great hall and Draco waited there for you."hey" he says. "Hey" I say. We walked to hogsmead together and went to the three broomsticks. We sat down at an table and orderd something to drink. "What are you going to do tomorrow?" Draco asked. Then I knew I needed to talk about my parents and ask him if he wanted to go with me to the funeral. "I have my parents' funeral." I say with a lump in my throat. "Oh I,m so sorry to hear that. How did they die?" Draco asked. "They were murdered." I say and tears started to fill my eyes. "Oh do you want me go with you?" He asked friendly. "I actualy wanted to ask you." I say with a little giggle. Draco giggled. "So I,m coming with you?" Draco says. "If you don't mind coming." I say. "Ofcourse not." He says looking at me with an concerned face."are you alright y/n?" You lift your shoulders and feel a tear falling down your sheek. ....y/n please don't cry.... But before I knew it I cried. Draco grabbed my hand and made circels with his thumb on my hand.
Me and Draco went back to the castle and said goodbye. I went to bed and fell asleep really fast.

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