saved from death

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This one is not with Draco but with Fred.

You were at the Burrow. You were in Fred and Georges bedroom talking with them. You were talking about the quidditch worldcup. Because that event is coming up. You were really exited and Fred and George kept teasing you. Then you heard a sound. you say"did you guys hear that?" You walked to the window and you say"guys come and look for a second" Fred and George came to you and looked out the window then George says"that are deatheaters!" Then Fred says"we need to get the others" you went downstairs and got the others. Arthur says"come outside everyone maybe we can let them leave." Everyone went outside. Fred says"y/n stay behind me and George." You did that. You saw Bellatrix, lucuis and Draco and a lot of other deatheaters. You got a bit scared and Fred noticed and grabbed your hand. Arthur then says"Can you guys please leave?" Bellatrix says"we could but we don't want to" Ron then says"why are you guys even here?" Because I know y/n is here." Bellatrix says. Molly says"no she isn't!" Then Bellatrix says"I can see her!" You look at Ron who was standing next to you. You got so scared that you were shaking and you almost started to cry. Then lucius came to Fred and George and pushed them aside. You were standing there and did like you wasn't there but ofcourse that didn't work. Lucius grabbed your arm and pulled you with him. The deatheaters started to surround you and you got so scared that you started crying you didn't know why there were getting for you. Then Bellatrix Avada kadavrad you but you dotched it and the curse hit a deatheater. You got distracted by that and then Bellatrix used the curse crucio on you. It hit you and it hurted so bad that you fell on the ground. You tried to scream for help but the only thing you could do was screaming. In the corner of your eye you saw the weasleys looking at you but you didn't saw Fred. You looked around but still couldn't see him. But you saw Draco he looked really sad. It looked like he was crying. You were still screaming in pain but then you felt a hand around your arm and you got liffed up. You saw Fred on his broom you were sitting in front of him on the broom. The deatheaters got mad but gave up. Bellatrix says"we are going to get you y/n!" Fred brought you to the ground again.  You layed in freds arms then you passed out.

Freds POV
When I saw y/n passed out I broke down in tears. I didn't want to do it earlier because I didn't want to make y/n cry because she is really sensitive.

Fred picked you up and brought you inside and layed you on the couch. When you woke op you saw ms Weasley with a cup op pumkinjuice. Then she says"Hello hunny how are you doing?" You say" I am fine thank you ms Weasley" then Fred came inside ms Weasley left he asks"how are you?" You say"I am fine and thanks for saving me" Fred says"no problem everything for you" you smiled and got up you almost fell but Fred caught you. You Both went upstairs and you went in Ginnys room because he sleep there and Fred in went in his room after you say goodnight. You layed down in bed you fell asleep.
You got a nightmare and you woke up all sweaty and shaking. You tried to wake up Ginny but she didn't wake up. You started crying and you Saw the door handle move. The door opened and you saw Fred he says"what's wrong, why are you crying?" You were silent for a second and then say"I had a nightmare and that is why I am crying" Fred came up to you and he sat next to you and rub your back. Then Fred says" come then you can drink something. You got up and followed Fred downstairs. He says"go sit on the couch I'll get some water" you sat on the couch and a few seconds later Fred came in with some water. he gave you a glass with water and sat down next to you. You drank your water and rest your head on freds shoulder. He wrapped his arms around you and you finaly stopped shaking. you got tired and fell asleep right away.

This one is really short but I hope you liked it.

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