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                         ~Y/N POV~

I was walking up the stairs to go to the ravenclaw tower. I am a Ravenclaw but almost all my friends were in gryffindor. My only Ravenclaw friends are Luna Lovegood and Cho Chang. Cho was sad a lot and we all know why. It's starts to get really anoying but I ignore it.

I entered the commonroom and sat down next to Luna who was reading the quibler(I don't know how to spell that.) When I sat down she looked up and smiled at me. 'Hello Y/n.' She greeted me. 'Hello Luna.' I say and grabbed a book from the coffee table.

Cho walked in the room with red puffy eyes. I sighed knowing she had been crying about Cedric again. She sat down next to me and layed het head on my shoulder. 'What's wrong?' I asked. 'Nothing. It's just Harry.' she said and I raised an eyebrow. 'Harry?' I aksed and she nods.

I heard a knock on the window and I went to open it and there was a owl. The owl landed on my shoulder and gave me a letter. It was a letter from my parents asking how school was.


The next day I woke up and woke up the others and took a quick shower and put on my robes. Me, Luna and Cho walked to the greathall to get breakfast before classes start. I sit down and grabbed some toast and ate and laughed and talked with my friends.

My first class was transfiguration. It's my worst subject and I hate it a lot. The class went by slow. Me failing almost everything and getting disapointing looks from McGonagall.

When class was over McGonagall aksed me if I could stay a little longer. I saw that Draco Malfoy was still there too. I got a bit nervous. I didn't know what he got to do with me. We don't even know eachother. Even though I don't really know him a caught myself having a crush on him.

'I saw that your transfiguration is not your best subject, Y/l/n.' McGonagall started and I nodded. 'And since mr Malfoy has really good grates in this class, he'll be your tutor for this semester.' McGonagall continued.

My eyes widened. Why him? I wondered. My heart sped up and I felt my sheeks flush a light shade of pink. Shit I was blushing.

'Two times a week should be enough wich days you two need to discuss. Now you can leave.' McGonagall finished and I got up and walked out of the class embarrased.

I heard footsteps coming closer and  before I knew Draco was walking next to me. 'Ok before you just leave, I wanna know wich days your available and how late?' He asked me. 'Uhm, I don't know. What works for you?' I aksed softly. 'Monday and Saturday both days at 7 after dinner?' He asked me. 'Uhm yes that will work.' you said and nodded. 'Ok see you tomorrow.' He said and walked of.

I sighed. God why am I so extra shy around him? I wondered. Oh shit tomorrow is saturday. I walked in the commonroom and flopped on the couch next to Cho.

'What did McGonagall want?' Cho asked. 'I needed a tutor and guess who it needed to be?' I said. 'I don't know I wasn't there.' Cho said and you laughed at her comment. 'It's Malfoy.' You said and your cheeks flushed. 'Oh that sucks. For how long does he needs to tutor you for?' She asked. 'Every 'monday and Saturday for the whole semester.' you said. 'Wow, that's a lot.' Cho said and you nodded.

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