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Me and my friendgroup are sitting in the commonroom after curfew chatting about our week and what our plans for the weekend are and other random things. I am sitting next to my bestfriend. Draco Malfoy. But he is ignoring me lately and is spending all his time with Pansy Parkinson. Just like right now. He is laughing at one of Parkinsons Jokes and acts like I am not even there. I was done with it and tired. 'Guys I'm going to bed. See you tomorrow.' I said and walked away. Normaly I give Draco a hug but I'm not giving energy in someone who doesn't want me around him. He looked at me a little confused for a second but then Just continues his conversation with Pansy. Not even saying goodnight or anything.
My eyes started to water and I quickly went inside my dorm. I closed the door and broke down in tears. I flopped down on my bed and cried in my pillow. I screamed in frustration luckily the pillow muffled the sound.
I cried myself asleep and woke up the next moring by knock on the door. I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror. Tear stains were on my cheeks and my eyes were red and puffy. I make my way over to the door and opened it. Draco stood there. 'hey do you want to hang out today?' Hé asked and a spark if hope filled inside of me. 'Sure.' I said softly. 'great. Uhm at 5 in the courtyard?' he asked and I nodded.
He walked away and I smiled. Maybe he still wants to be my friend. I got ready and went down to breakfast. I sat down with Luna at the Ravenclaw table Just like normal. 'You seem happy what happend.' she asked. 'well Draco asked if I wanted to hang out so maybe he still wants to be my friend.' I said happy. 'oh jeey.' she said happy and I smiled and ate my breakfast.
I decided to make homework and study for the day so that I don't have to do that Tomorrow.
I skipped lunch and right now it was 10 minutes before 5 so I put on a jacked and my shoes and went to the courtyard. It was snowing outside and I saw Draco standing with Pansy. My mood got from super good to really bad within a second. I should've known. I thought. But I was done with it. 'Hey Draco, hey Pansy.' I said trying to hide the pain in my eyes. 'Oh hey y/n.' Draco said having this look in his eyes but I couldn't quite place it. Pansy just stood there. 'Hey uhm is it okay if I hang out with Pansy?' he asked. This is the 10th time this week. Yes I'm counting. And every time he ditched me I let it go but not now. 'No it's not okay.' I say and tears rolled down my cheek. Draco was already turning away because he thought I would say that it was ok. He turned around when I answered. 'What no.' He said turning around. But when he saw me with tears in my eyes, ge froze. I never cry in front of anyone but I didn't care. 'Draco it's not okay because you've been ingnoring me and ditching me for the past 3 weeks. Look if you don't want to be my friend anymore you could've said that instead of ignoring me.' I said almost breaking down and I stormed away I heard Draco yelling after me but I ignored him.
I reached my dorm and walked inside and slammed my door shut. I didn't know what I was feeling. I think I am feeling disapointed. Not in Draco but in myself. I am just a bad friend. I burried my face in my pillow and cried again. I heard a soft jenle knock on the door but I didn't response. 15 minutes later the same jentle knock but again I ignored it.
The next morning I woke up. Again with tear stains and red, puffy eyes. I got dressed and walked out of my dorm but tripped. I groaned when my head hit the floor. I heard  a groan next to me and then everything went black.
I opened my eyes but quickly shut them again because of the bright light. When my eyes got used to the light I opened them again and sat up to see where I was.  someone put a hand on my shoulder and pulled me back. 'Maybe it's better to lay down.' the person said and I looked at the person. 'Draco?' I was confused what happened. He looked at me. 'What happened?' I asked. 'well uhm you tripped over me and hit your head. I'm sorry. I am so sorry.' He said and grabbed my hand. 'How, how did I trip over you?' I said and a headace started to raise in my head. 'well last night I wanted to talk to you but you didn't aswer so I waited until you answerd but I fell asleep.' he confessed I just nodded. 'I think you need some sleep I'll talk to you later only if you want to ofcourse I've hurt you and I would like to explain. I'll leave now.' he says but  I didn't want him to leave. 'Can you Stay?' I ask and he turns around and just looks at me. 'please.' I pleaded. 'Ofcourse.' he says and walks up to me and I smile. 'Scoot over a little.'  He says and lays down. I smile to myself. 'do I have my best friend back now?' I ask and he smiles sadly. 'I'm so sorry y/n about everything. A few weeks back I realised something which made it harder for me to hang out with you.' He said and I raised an eyebrow. 'I realised that I was in love with you and I didn't want you to find out because that's embarrassing. Being in love with your bestfriend. It's crazy don't you think?' He says ambarrassed and he had a blush on his cheeks. I giggle which made him look up at me. 'what?' He asked. 'It's not that crazy, because I am in love with you too.' I say and kissed his nose. He looks at me in shock. 'What?' He says. I just smile at him and closed my eyes and went to sleep.

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