new friend

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Sorry this is crap but I don't really care.
Warnings: ?

Oh no, not now. I thought to myself as I walk into the courtyard and saw my brother , Harry, having an arguement with Draco Malfoy. I sigh and walk up to the two horribly annoying guys.
'Guys, please stop  fighting for once.' I groan and the boys turn to me. 'Y/n, mind your own business.' Harry says and I sigh. 'What are you both fighting about anyway?' I said completely ignoring my brothers comment. 'Your anoying brother over here is acusing me for something I didn't even do.' Draco said and I sigh loudly. I scoff. 'You guys are childish did you know?' I said and walked away leaving the boys. I sigh and walk to the other side of the courtyard and sit down against the tree. I really hate the constant fighting between Harry and Draco. It's getting on my nervs for some reason. I sigh and look at the people talking and laughing. My eyes fall on Parvati and Padma Patil. They were laughing and talking with eachother. I wish I had that kind of relationship with Harry. I wish that we got along like they do. It made me jalous. I hate it when people argue. It makes me think of the times that me and Harry argue and I've learned one thing about arguements. That it never leads to anything good. It only leads to more arguements and fights and growing apart. Growing apart not only from the person you are argueing with but with everyone else. I find it hard to bond with people and trust them. And all the arguements with Harry doesn't make that any more easy.
After a while of overthinking everything I got up and walked to the library. On my way there was a group of 4th years laughing and talking with eachother and I walked by a couple making out. I always wondered how people can get so close with someone like that. .I find it  terrifying.
I enter the library and sat down at an empty table. I grab my books and start making my homework.
I need a book about some kind of history so I walked around the library looking for it. I grab a book and flipped through it studying the pages. I felt someone leaning over me grabbing a book from the shelve above me. I turn around to see who it was. I came face to face with Draco. 'I think this book will help you out.' He said I looked at him confused. 'I- how do you know what I'm working on?'
'Because I need to make the same essay as you.' He said shoving the book in my hands and grabbing the other and put it back on the shelve. 'But how do you even know that I was working on that essay.' I say. 'Are you spying on me or something?' I continue. Draco scoffs. 'I saw you grabbing your history of magic book so I asumed you were going to make that essay.' He says and walks away. I look confused at him but walk back to my spot and sat down and Draco was right about the book. I finished my essay and pack my stuff and walk to the common room.
I enter the common room and sit down next to Harry who is sitting with his friends. 'Hey, y/n.' He says and I smile at him. 'Hey Harry, can I speak to you?' I say and he nods and we walk to the corner of the common room. 'Why do we always argue?' I blurt out. 'I don't know. Why?' He says furrowing his eyebrows. 'Because I hate argueing with you. It is drifting us appart. And you are the only one I trust and I don,t want to lose you because I love you.' I say and look at him in the eyes. 'Y/n.... I love you too but maybe it's time to find yourself some friends. Because you cling on me all the time and that annoys me sometimes and I think that is why we argue so much.' He explains and I look down. 'Friends..... I don't know how to make friends.' I say softly. 'Just be yourself and you'll find yourself a friend.' He says and pats my shoulder and walks back to his friends.
The next morning I wake up and walk down to breakfast and sit down and eat my food and head to defence against the dark arts. I was one of the first once in the classroom and sat at a table in the back of the room. After a few minutes the classroom starts to fill and someone dat down next to me and I look and see Draco sitting next to me. 'Do you mind if i sit next to you?' He asks and I shake my head. And he grabs his books. I try not to look at him and focus my eyes on the table. The door swings and professor Umbridge walks in.  My head shoots up to her and I swallow. Draco looks at me and looks back at the front of the class.
Umbridge assings us to Read chapter 5 and make an essay.
After a few minutes Umbridge walks through the classroom and my leg started shaking. I tried to stop shaking but that only caused my hands also to shake. Draco glared at me. My hands fall on my lap shaking. Than I felt a hand on my hands. 'Stop shaking. It's okay.' I heard Draco say. I look at him and he looks back to his paper. I put my hands back on the table and went back to work put Draco didn't take his hand back. He put his hand on my knee who was still shaking. He jently rubber my knee and it stopped shaking a bit. I tried my best to Concentrate on the work but my mind drifted off into the nothingness, focussing on Draco's hand on my knee and the way it made me feel more relax.
'Miss y/n/n, would you like to explain to me why you aren't paying atention to your work?' I snapped out of my thoughts and I look up to proffesor Umbridge. 'I uhmm don't know....' I said softly. 'Don't lie to me.' She spat and I started shaking again. 'You Just desreved yourself a dierentuin miss y/l/n.' She said and I look down avoiding all the looks I got.
After a few minutes we were free to go. I storm out the classroom and to the greathall so I was the first one to arrive at dinner. After a few minutes after I cleared my mind the hall started to fill with the students. Harry sat opposite me and I felt the anger radiating from him. 'First you sit next to Malfoy and than you served yourself a detention with Umbridge!?' He whispered yelled. 'Sorry.' I whispered and he rolled his eyes. 
I tried to eat my dinner but the food didn't get down my throat. I was nervous for my detention. When dinner finished I got up to Umbridges office.
I knocked on the door. 'Come in.' I heard the high pitched voice of the professor. I slowly turned the door knob with a shaky hand and I walked in. Umbridge pointed at the table and stool in the middle of the room. I carefully sit down while my eyes wander around the room. It was pink. Very pink. Small plates hang at the wall with cat portraits on them. It smells very sweet that it makes me wants to vomit. 'you'll be writing lines, in this detention.' She said walked up to me and her toad like face had a grinn plastered on it. 'Sorry but I din't take any ink or a quill.' I said and looked down and my hands started to tremble. 'Oh you won't be needing that. You'll borrow one of my special quills.' She said and she did her iconic little laugh. She gave me a quill and a piece of parchment. I furrow my brows. There is no ink. 'No ink will be needed and you'll write this sentence.' she cleared her troath. 'I need to pay attention in class.' She said and I midden and started writing. When I wrote the first word nu hand started to sting but I ignored it but when I finished the centence the pain was so bad that I couldn't ignore it anymore and I looked at my hand. The centence was carved in my hand and I look at Umbridge but she glared daggers at me so I started to write the same centence over and over again until blood was trickling down my hand onto the table. I wanted to stop but Umbridge forced me to continue. Tears rolled down my cheek and on my injured hand and I hissed. I couldn't bare it anymore. She is cruel. The toad just abuses the students. I thought Snape was bad but she is wat worse. I stood up and stormed out of the office and I sobbed and held my injured hand. When I was in the corridors I bumped into someone and I look up to see it's Draco. But I ignore him and walk straight past him and I ran to the courtyard. I stopped in the middle of the courtyard to catch my breath. I collapsed right there and I start to cry. No one is there to hear me anyway. Someone sat down next to me and I startle. It's Draco. 'What happened?' He asked. I didn't answer. I don't trust him. 'You can tell me you know?' He said and he turned to me. 'It's nothing to worry about.' I said and grabbed my hand tightly. He notices and grabbed my hand and I hiss and pull my hand back. He grabbed his wand and lit it. He grabs my hand again but softly this time. When he sees it he tilted his head and than looked at me. 'Did she do this?' He asks and let my hand go. 'Well yes. She let me write with this quill and when you write with is the axact same scratches in your hand.' I say and chuckle. 'What a bitch.' he murmers under his breath. 'Why do you care anyway?' I ask. 'I don't know. I just do.' He says and looks me in the eyes. He looks away and we sit in silence for a few minutes. It starts to feel tense so I decide to break the silence. 'I really hate Umbridge. I thought Snape was bad but she is way worse.' I said and Draco laughed a little. 'She really is way worse than Snape.' He says in agreement. 'The only person that I trust is Harry but he is turning his back to me lately and I feel super lonley it's driving me mad. I litterly slept on the commonroom floor a few days ago.' I said and laughed at myself, but Draco didn't laugh or chuckle. 'Don't you have any Friends?' He asks and I shake my head. 'No I find it hard to bond with people and to trust them.' I say and sigh. 'Why don't we become friends?' He asks looking at me. 'What? I couldn't be possibly be friends with you. Harry will hate me more than he already does.' I say and I realise that that sounded mean. 'It's your life right? And you choose who you're friends with not your brother.' He says. 'Don't listen to what other people say to much.' He says and I look at him. He's right. 'I think it's time for me to make a friend.' I say and look down. 'So we're friends now?' Draco aks and I nod. 'I think so. Only if you want to ofcourse.' I say in a whisper. 'Ofcourse I do. Otherwise I wouldn't have asked.' He says and I smile. 'Thanks.' I say and he smiles. 'No problem.' He says and he looked at my hand. 'Maybe you should get that fixed it's bleeding. ' He says. 'Yeah I'll do that later.' I say and he gives me a wierd look that I can't place. 'No you're my friend now and friends help each other. Come let's go.' He says and he stands up and I give him a unsure look but I get up and follow him inside. He leads me to the dungeons. 'I have a first aid kit in my dorm. Come.' He says and I stop. 'I am not allowed here.' I say but he shrugged. 'Who cares. We have people from other houders over all the time.' He says and I nod slowly and follow him inside. The slytherin common room is cold and looks big compared to the gryffindor commen room. It is dark the only light comes from the candle and the fire. In the corner are sitting two girls from 1th year . I followed Draco up the stairs to his dorm. He opened the door and walked inside and let me in. I look around. How can people sleep here it's freezing cold I think to myself. 'Come.' Draco says and I follow him to the bathroom. He opened a cupboard door and grabbed the first Aid Kit and a cloth and rinsed it. 'Give me your hand so I can clean the cut.' He says and I carefully give my hand he jently holds it. 'If I hurt you you have to tell me.' He says and I nod. He carefully cleaned the cut and I close my eyes shut tight. 'sorry.' He whispered and I sigh. 'It's fine.' I say and relax. I look at him while he cleans my wound. He looks up and our eyes lock. He gives me sweet smile and focusses back on what he was doing. He grabbed a bandage and bandages my hand. 'Here you go.' He says and dropped my hand. 'Thank you.' I say and I feel embarrassed. 'No problem y/n.' He says and walks out of the bathroom and I follow. 'I'll bring you back to your common room so you won't get cauth.' He says. 'Oh no you don't have to that.' I say apologetic. 'Sush it. You really never had a friend did you?' He chuckles. I shake my head. 'there's a lot you need to catch up to.' He says and grabs my arm and leads me outside his dorm into the common room. When we are outside the common room we started walking up to the gryffindor common room. 'Hey Draco, why did you ask to become friends?' I ask spontanious. 'Because you are a nice person and I've always had this pulling towards you to be honest.' He says and I smile. 'I don't know why people hate you so much. You're a really nice person.' I say and I hear a cat and my eyes widen. 'Uhm Draco Mrs Norris.' I warn and he turns around to face the cat. We hear someone grumble and Draco grabs my hand and starts running. 'What are you doing?' I squeal. 'Running from Filch ofcourse. Come on.' He says and pulls me along and laughed. I run after him and laughed with him. We hear Filch yell after is but he can't keep up with us. We turn a corner and Draco stops and I tumble into him but he catches me. We catch our breath and laugh. 'I'll bring you back now because Filch won't give up.' Draco says and we fled the last staircase and I stand in front of the fat lady. 'Can we hang out tomorrow after school?' Draco asks looking around him. 'Yeah sure.' I dat and he smiles. 'Great. I think I need to get back. See you later.' He says and turns around. 'Good luck.' I say and say the password  and walk into the common room. Harry and his friends sit on the couch in front of the fire. 'Where have you been? Umbridge didn't keep you there that long right? And were did you het that bandade from?' Harry blurts out angrily. 'No she didn't. I uhm ran away after a while because the pain became unbearable and I ran to the courtyard. Bumped into Draco on my way but ignored him than he came up to me in the courtyard. And we talked for a bit and than he took care of my hand and he walked me back here.' I ramble and anger is boiling up in Harry. 'And like you wanted me to. I made a friend.' I say and started walking to my dorm but Harry was holding me back. 'You're Friends with Malfoy?! What is wrong with you?' He spat. 'Harry you don't decide with who I am friends with. Just so you know.' I say and walk up to my dorm and go to bed.
'I finaly made a friend.' I whisper to myself.

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