I'll never hurt you.

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'Hey Hermione hey Ron.' I said happy greeting my sister and friend. 'Oh hey y/n.' Hermione said. 'Oh look Malfoy's coming.' I said looking up the hill. 'It's a bit grand for weaselbee.' Malfoy spat. 'Bet your family sleeps in one room.' Malfoy continued. 'Shut your mouth Malfoy.' Ron said his ears getting red. 'Ooh not very friendly. Boys I think it' time we teach weaselbee how to respect the supriuers.' He spat again and his goons snickered. Hermione walked forward. 'I hope you don't mean yourself.' She said. 'How dare you talk to me, you filthy little mudblood.' He spat and my blood started to boil. 'Malfoy if you dare to talk to my sister like that again I will hex you.' I said standing in front of my sister.  'Y/n...' She started but Malfoy cut her of. 'Shut up let me talk to your  sister.' He said and I glared at him. 'You should really watch your mouth y/n.' he said his voice low. My blood was boiling and rising to my head. 'Oh look who lost her tongue.' He said glaring at his goons. I couldn't take in anymore. I slapped him in the face as fast as possible. He glared at me in disbelieve and I stormed off.

I was in the courtyard and flopped in the snow and tears started to spill. I really didn't know why I did that. I never broke out in anger. I wasn't even really angry at Draco. He only pist me off. But didn't make me angry like that. I let all my anger out on him and that wasn't good of me. Yes, I might not like him but that was going to far. Maybe I should apologise. Or not because he never apologised to me either. But I felt sorry.

'Hey Y/n' I heard someone say from behind me. The person sat next to me and I saw that Harry sat next to me. 'Hey Harry.' I said and wiped my nose. 'What's wrong?' He asked. 'Malfoy was Being mean to Hermione and I stood up to her and he pissed me of and I slapped him and I didn't mean to. I feel so sorry. I let al my angry out on him.' I said and tears started to fall again. 'You feel sorry for Malfoy?' Harry scoffed and I nodded. 'Yeah I'm sorry. Should I apologise?' I asked Harry but he looked at me in disbelieve. 'I mean if you want to.' He said and I nodded. 'I think so but I don't know where I can find him.' I said. 'You'll probably see him at dinner.' Harry said and I smiled. 'I think so. but I'm going to warm up.' I said softly. 'Ok.' Harry said and I got up and walked to my dorm. I took a shower and sat on my bed reading a book when Hermione walked in. 'Hey y/n. You ok?' She said and nodded. 'Yeah I'm ok but I feel so sorry. I should not have slapped him so I'm going to apologise.' I said and Hermione smiled. 'You are to good for this world, y/n.' She said and I smiled.

I walked to diner and I spotted Draco right away. I slowly walked up to him. 'Uhm Draco I'm sorry that...' I started but he grabbed my arm and dragged me with him. 'What do you want Granger.' He said and I sighed. 'I'm sorry that I....' and I got cut of agian. 'Don't apologise to me.' He said and sighed. 'But than I feel bad.' I said and looked down and my shoes were more interesting than anything. 'You don't have to feel bad, ok? You did nothing wrong. You got mad and that was  justly.' He said. 'But I didn't want to slap you.' I said still not looking up. 'It's ok. Hey look at me.' Draco said and I looked at him. 'I'm not mad at you. I can't be mad at you. You are just too perfect. I know it sounds wierd but I really like you y/n and I would like to take you out sometime.' He said and I looked at him in shock. 'What?' I said softly. 'You don't have to.' He said. 'No, no, I would love to.' I said and smiled at him. 'Great. See you later.' He said and gave me a kiss on the cheek and winked at me when he walked back to his place. I stood there embarrassment with red cheeks. I quickly scurried away to my table. 'What was that!?' Hermione asked. 'I don't know. I tried to apologise but he said that I didn't do anything wrong and than he said that I was perfect and than he asked me out and I said yes out of stress and I realise now that it was probably a joke or something.' I said my voice died away. 'Oh my. That's. Oh my. But what if it wasn't a joke? And he actualy wants to go out with you and you need to tell him that you don't actualy want to go out with him.' Hermione said and I looked down. 'You want to go out with him.' She asked in disbelieve. 'I mean. To be honest I've liked Draco for a while now and I stressed out and I uhmm I'm  sorry.' I rembled. Hermione stayed quiet and looked somewhere behind me. 'Uhm y/n you might look behind you.' She said and turned around and Draco stood behind me smirking. 'I uhmm.' I said and blood got to my head. 'I like you too, Darling.' He said and sat down next to me. 'You do?' I said. 'Ofcourse. I didn't ask you out for nothing.'  He said and I smiled.  'You're so cute.' He said and gave a kiss on my lips and walked away. 'I think that wasn't a joke.' Hermione said and grinned. 'It could still be a joke.' I said. 'But I never seen Malfoy looking at someone the way he looked at you.' Hermione said and Harry came walking up to me angry. 'Why were you snogging with Malfoy! I thought you were just going to apologise to him.' He said angrily. 'Harry can't she like someone?' Hermione asked. 'Ofcourse but not him. It's Malfoy.' He said. 'Harry you are just jalous.' Hermione said and he scoffed. 'Jalous?! Hermione it's Malfoy he's going to hurt her.' He said. 'Back off Potter.' I heard someone say from behind me. I turned around and saw Draco. Harry glared at him and walked away. 'Don,t listen to him. I'll protect you with my life, y/n.' Draco said and kissed me on my head. 'I'll never hurt you.' He said again. 'And you never did.' I said hugging him. 'ofcourse not. I liked you all along.' He said hugging me back.

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