chapter 3

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2 weeks later

You concussion was over and it was your first day back. You were really exited but also a bit nervous, because you knew not a lot of people knew whappened to you. So you were scared that people are going to ask you about the whole situation.

You and Hermoine were going to postions class. "I am so glad you are back y/n" she said with a smile on her face. "Me too, but I am a bit scared that people will ask me questions."you say a bit nervous. "Well I think you don't need to worry about it" she says like a smartass. You smile and walk into the class room. You saw that people were looking at you but you didn't pay much attention to it. "AH you are finaly back Mrs y/l/n." Says professor snape as he walks into the classroom. You smiled at him and he started the lesson.

After class you and Hermoine had charms class. "Look who's back" you sigh because you knew it was Malfoy. You ignored him but he kept teasing you. You were so annoyed but kept ignoring him. "Y/n stay calm, stay calm" Hermoine wisperd. You kept walking thinking 'why in earth do I still like him!'

After charms class you had a lot of homework so went to the libary and started to do your homework. You were really concentrated but not anymore when you heard a chair next to you move. You watch over and you saw Luna. "Jeez I thought you were someone else" you say fast. You and Luna laughed en you both work on homework. "Look who's looking at you"Luna says. "Who?" You say confused. "Draco" she says soft. You look around and see Draco you look back down and you say"he is probably looking at someone else." You say. "we're the only ones here y/n" Luna says. "Then he is probably looking somewere in the distance." You say while you continued your work while Luna rolls her eyes. You were done with your homework and started packing your stuf. "I,m done so I am leaving"you say. Luna nods and you walk away.
You had the feeling that someone was following you but you Just kept walking. Then you felt an arm grabbing yours and you turn around to see who it is. You Saw Fred."It's Malfoy, he wants to talk with you" Fred says. "Well I don't want to talk to him." You say while you see Draco standing against a wall."come on y/n go talk to him"Fred says."no" and you walk away. You were really confused because why would Fred want you to talk to Draco. He hates him. But you just walked away and went to the gryffindor common room.

When you arrive at the gryffindor common room you sat down on a chair in front of the open fire. You sigh and stare in front of you. "Are you ok y/n?" You heard a voice saying. It was George."yeah I,m fine. And tell your twin brother not to force someone to talk to someone." You say. "what did Fred do?" Asks George. You tell him what happend and you went to your dorm to get ready for dinner.

You sat at the gryffindor table with Harry , Hermoine and Ron. you laughed because Ron dropped his knife. "Y/n! why don't you want to talk to me?" You heard a voice behind you say. "What do you want Malfoy!?" You say mad. You were so mad at him and you started screaming at him. "Why don't you leave me alone! You know that I ignore you all the time. Then why don't you stop!" You sat angrily. Draco was just looking down. "And I don't know why I still like you!" You say. Draco looked up at you and you turn around and walk away. Then you realized it, you confessed your feelings for the one and only Draco Malvoy. "Shit, what did I do" you thought. you started crying because you were shocked by yourself. You walked to the gryffindor commonroom. You walk in and walked up to your dormitory. You layed down on bed and cried.

A few minutes later the door opened. Y/n are you ok?" Hermoine says standing in the doorway. You Mumbled"hm hm" and wiped your tears away. Then Hermoine starts walking in and walked to your bed and sat down on it. She started talking."it is really good off you that you stood up for yourself. I am really proud off you." You sit up "did you hear what I said! I confessed my feelings to him, Hermoine. Without myself knowing that I did until I started walking away." You say. "Well atleast he knows it know." Hermoine says. "But I didn't want him to find out." You say trying not to laugh. Then you and Hermoine burst out laughing. "Maybe we should get to the common room ." Hermoine says. You agree and you and Hermoine walk to the commonroom. You are really happy that it was evening . But somewere in your mind you were scared that Draco would walk into the gryffindor common room.

after you made your homework you, Harry , Hermoine and Ron were hanging out in the common room. You were talking about the situation. "But y/n you can't avoid Malfoy for the rest of your life." Harry says. "He has a point y/n" Ron says. "I think you should talk to him" Hermoine says. "Hell no I am not going to talk with him" you say. You all talked a bit more until you went to bed.

You were laying on bed reading a book when Hermoine came walking in. " Hello y/n Malfoy" she says giggeling. You throw a pillow at her."Hermoine!" Hermoine started laughing and you roll your eyes." I don't know why but I think you two would make a great coupple." Hermoine says. "Seriously, you got that wrong Hermoine" you say. "I bet you and Malfoy will be together in less than two monts." Hermoine says. "I think I am going to sleep Hermoine" You put your book away and lay down and close your eyes.

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