Chapter 5💥: He found out

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Chapter 5💥: He found out

Yukino's Pov:

I was getting dragged by the girls every where shopping here and there my legs were killing me. I was surprised the boys tagged along thought it was only us girls but what made me even more shock Bakugou came along with them.

"This is troublesome! Why did I even fucking agree on going!" There he is again with his temper.

"Calm down Bakugou people are staring-" Kirishima tried to calm him down but the word calm down doesn't exit in that firecracker's vocabulary.

"THE HELL I CARE IF THEY'RE STARTING!,They're looking at the next number 1 hero!!"

With that attitude I doubt it. I sigh.

Kyouka whispered something to Sero then he nooded . He then shooted tape from his elbow to shut Bakugou up. I have to thank him for that, I thought my ear drums would be broken if he didn't stop talking.

He tried to remove it good thing it couldn't come off, I saw Kyouka and Sero did a low five. I glance and the firecracker himself and smirked at him then continued walking. He was ready to come after me but Kirishima held him back..

The girls were done shopping, Momo bought a lot of things and the boys insisted to her carry her bags so as the others I only bought a new hoodie and a pair of jeans. Kirishima offered to hold my shopping bag but I refused, it wasn't heavy and I only have two also his hands were full because of all the clothes momo bought.

"Bakubro be a man and help Yukino carry her bag." Ohh pls no, I would've hitted him with these instead.

Too bad he couldn't say anything because of the tape.

"Shouldn't we remove it now?" Kirishima looked at Sero. "Nah, later when were gonna eat-"

Glancing at Bakugou it looks like he was ready to beat up someone. Sero notice it and moved away from him.

"L-lets just find a place to eat." Ochako said and we all agreed. I was enjoying the silence and they just had to remove the tape.
We finally found a place to eat and Sero immediately removes the tape that was covering Bakugou's mouth so long silence.

We expected him to shout and scream at us but instead he remained silent.

"Bakubro aren't you gonna say something?" Kirishima asked and Firecracker here gave him a death glare. "Do you want your ears to bleed?"

"O-on s-second thought never mind- let's just order right guys." They not.

Sometimes I just can't understand this must've notice I was looking at him so he looked back and asked "what?" I just rolled my eyes and turned my attention on something else.

"Bye guys take care on your way back home ok." Momo was picked up by her driver, she offered to drive us back but we refused. Also the limo was full with shopping bags.

The others already went home after we ate so the only person left was Ochako , Tsuyu,Kirishima,Bakugou and Me...

"Me and Tsuyu are heading home now. You guys take care, especially you Yukino. Are you sure you're ok walking home alone?" I nod. " yes, don't worry about me. The two of you go home safe." Both of them smiled and waved bye as they walk away.

"So Yukino which way to your house?" Kirishima asked and I pointed it out. "Ahw that sucks mine is the opposite but your in luck." I gave him a questionable look.

"Bakubro's house is also that way. He could atleast walk you home. Right Bakugou?" He didn't answer.

"No- it's fine-" he cuts me off.

"Oh shut up and let's go already I'll walk you to your damn house." Say what? I blinked twice.

"Bakubro is so manly, go home safely both of you! Byee."

"Yes- you too..." he waved before leaving.

Bakugou took the lead and you just followed behind him. Your walk home was awkward,no one talked just pure silence. Kinda surprised by it since he's always a loud mouth.

"Hey..." He was the one who broke the silence.

I just replied with a. "What?"

"I saw what you did earlier." Wait did what?

"What do you mean?"

"It was you who did it right?"

"I don't know what you're talking about-"

"The picture." You stopped walking for a moment. "I knew it." He smirked.

"I think you got the wrong idea, I couldn't possibly do-"

"Im not dumb and I know what I saw, you were making hand gestures under your desk so the others wouldn't notice. But what you didn't know is I can see a full view from behind." I gulp.

"You even muttered something to make the picture burn." My eyes widened. So that means his been looking to my direction the whole time.

"Just who are you? Why where you so sensitive about the whole topic. Are you related to them or..." I know what he's gonna say...

"Are you-"

I cut him off before he says it."enough ok Bakugou, mind you're freaking business will you, and why the hell are you so curious??" He was really getting into my nerves.

"You didn't deny it." He said not even bother answering my question.

I couldn't find the words to say it's also like I didn't want to deny it. The conversation I had with uncle Might flashed in my memory.

"Whatever your secrets safe with me..." he was avoiding eye contact with me while I continue to look at him. "I'm not gonna say anything about who you are or anything about your quirk." Well this is a side of Bakugou I never saw nor expected.

"But I'm still gonna beat your ass and become the number 1 hero."

"Are you challenging me?"I smirked.

"I sure am old lady."

And irk mark appeared on my forehead. He's back to his normal self. "Well goodluck on that Firecracker ." He got pissed by the nickname but let it slide.

"I wanna know what the White Witch is capable of." He said with confidence...

I'll be writing his POV in the next chapter.
Words :1036

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