Chapter 2💥: UA

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Chapter 2💥: UA

Yukino's Pov:

The day had finally come, it was the first day of school actually my first ever day inside of a campus, to be honest I was kinda worried but I didn't show it I was still calm at the moment.

I wore the uniform that had just arrive the other day I never tried to see if it did fit I only wore it now, luckily it was just my size it's just that the skirt is too short. Uncle Might told me he was already in UA since he'd be one of the teacher there which... surprised me because he never liked teaching so I was curious why, I didn't ask him thought he'd tell me , and i could sense he was trying to avoid the topic so I didn't push it.

Brushing my long hair that reached below my waist and tying it up into a ponytail . I would wear a cap or hoodie to cover it but it wast allowed in school, whatever they'll know eventually.

It was still early and I still had a lot of time to spear but I choose to use it and walk to school. UA Isn't far from my house if I take a cab but I prefer walking to save me some money of course. I saw a lot of people wearing the same uniform and talking to their friends... I just looked down and avoided them and any eye contact. I could also feel some eyes glued to me but ignored it. It was my hair that caught their attention. Increasing my speed from walking so I could get away from all this attention.

Finally I arrived in UA,now I just need to find that classroom... 1-A. This school is so big I can't find it damn it.

"Excuse me..." I turned to see a girl with short brown hair and bubbly eyes.

" I turned to see a girl with short brown hair and bubbly eyes

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"I saw you form over there looked a little worried." Was I that obvious.

"If your lost I could help you find your class." She offered and smiled. She's too nice... well I didn't want to be late to might as well accept it.

"It's class 1-A." I replied.

She blinked twice and smiled widely."really?? That means where in the same class." How unexpected.

"Come on follow me it's actually just across this hall." I nod and followed her.

"By the way I'm Uraraka Ochako." I was thinking twice before introducing myself but she did help me back there.

"Kiyoko Yukino..." I replied.

"You have a really pretty name it matches your hair."she said with a smile, I was kinda surprised by it, it felt some what nice given that compliment.

We arrive in front of the room and Uraraka opened the door for the both of us, mostly all the student where there and there were only a few vacant seats. Eyes where on me as I entered. Looking for a seat suddenly a certain blonde caught my attention. Ohh hell no... it was the guy i bumped into the pastry shop.

"How lucky of me..." I said under my breath. I just sitted beside this guy with freckles and the blonde guy was behind him who looked some how annoyed. Hopefully he doesn't remember me and all.

"White Witch" (Bakugou x OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang