Chapter 4💥: Bakugou's Pov

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Chapter 4💥: Bakugou's Pov

"Come on Bakubro it'll be fun." Kirishima kept bugging me to go to the mall with them.
"Not a fucking chance! Like I would go to a place with him around!" I pointed at annoying Deku.

"Now now Bakugou that's not nice." The pink alien said crossing her arms.

" The fuck I care!" Tsk I click my tongue "how annoying."

"You're such a kill joy you know that Bakubro." He put his around me and an irk mark appeared on my forehead. "I FUCKING TOLD YOU TO STOP CALLING ME THAT, AND TAKE YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF ME!" I shoved his arm away from me. "Chill Bakubro." Why this guy...

"Hey ice dude mind freezing Bakubro here?? He needs to chill since he's too hot head

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"Hey ice dude mind freezing Bakubro here?? He needs to chill since he's too hot head."

"Shut the fuck up!"

The ice freak just stared a him and looked away.
"Or... not." Kirishima's sweat drop from embarrassment. Hah good for him.

The door flew open and it revealed. "Good Morning Yukino!" Her friends greeted her. "Tsk old lady..." I turned my attention to outside the window.

"You seem to hate her a lot Bakubro. But why? I'm just curious ok." Kirishima asked. " none of your fucking business."

He sigh." I could never get an answer from you can i?"


"Everyone seems to like her... she's some what, what you call this unique."

"Unique my ass." He chuckled on my reply.

I would've agreed with him but I didn't and I don't actually hate her I just dislike her. She's mysterious very mysterious. Everyone in this class knows nothing about her quirk. And I can tell from them they're even more curious than me. I admit I'm curious only because I want to beat her and achieve my goal.

"And we really wanted to you to join us, you always decline our offer..." we over heard their conversation.

"Seems like they're asking Kiyoko to come to the mall, So what do you think Bakubro you gonna come with us now-"

"Being in the same place with those two is hell for me and also add that freak over there!" I pointed at Ice freak.

"But He isn't coming he also turned down our offer-"

"I didn't fucking ask!"

"Ok fine I'll come with you guys..."she answered.

"Wow that was a surprise, going to the mall will be so much fun later! Don't worry our dinner is on me." He gave me a thumbs up

"And who the fuck said i was going you dumb ass!"

He smile." You'll agree later."

"Tsk whatever."

Out of no where the pervert short guy started to talk and ask everyone. "Hey guys do you know anything about the white witch??" Well that was random. I heard stories about that but I never believed in it. It was all rumors to begin with.

"White witch it's been a white since I heard that." Krishima said. "What about you Bakugou?" He turned to me "I don't give a damn shit about who that is." Well it was true I don't believe rumors.

"All I know is she has white hair... white eyes... white everything that's where she got her name right.?" Stupid Aoyama said without thinking.

"It could be since she is called white witch after all, damn I'm getting goosebumps..." Kirishima added.

"It's all rumors, so don't believe such thing with without prof." Iida stud up and told them.

I noticed the old lady was silent,too silent well it's normal that she doesn't talk that much but it looked like she wasn't comfortable with the topic.

"But we could agree that she's real."Kaminari added standing up next to the short pervert.

Suddenly he took out a photo and showed it to everyone. "It's said that she killed the hundreds of people in that village " the picture shows the horrifying scene, even I was surprised when I saw it.

I noticed old lady's fist clenched under her desk. I sat behind Deku who was her seated beside her making it easy for me to have a view of her.

They where still talking about the white witch while I was curious and my attention was on her. I could tell Kirishima noticed it but de decided not to ask and just listened to the others who were focused about the topic.

My eyes widened on what I saw, she made some hand gestures and the picture from short pervert suddenly went floating in the air. Both him and dumb ass Kaminari stumbled back looking at the picture that was floating in mid air.

It seems like she was... controlling it..

I looked back and forth at the picture and her, I noticed she clenched her fist again muttered something before the picture burned and the ashes drop on the floor.

"I-it burned-" the two idiots hugged each other in fear.

"Man that was creepy right Bakugou?" I didn't reply since I was still shock on what I saw,

Suddenly The scene where I almost got into a fight with her appeared into my mind

"I have the rights to know what quirk you have in order to beat you and become the number 1 hero."

"Even if I tell you..."

That sended chills down my spine.
But I still don't know what her is. I just saw her controlling the picture and burned it , that's not just telekinesis there was something more and I want to find out what it is...

She remained calm as if nothing had happened.

Just who are you Kiyoko Yukino?


What do you guys think? To be honest it was a little hard for me to write his POV but thank god I manage to finish it. This chapter is longer than the previous one.

Words: 965


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