Chapter 1💥: 1st Encounter

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Chapter 1💥: 1st Encounter

Yukino's Pov

I lay on my bed as I stare at the letter I'm holding from UA. What uncle Might said was stuck in my head.

"Prove them they're wrong..."

I sigh, I guess I have to talk to him about UA tomorrow. I placed it on my drawer and went back to bed, pulling the covers above me as i sleep peacefully...

Morning came and I woke up by the smell of bacon and eggs. Lazily got up from bed , brush my silky white hair and went straight down stairs, I was greeted by uncle Might in his Hero form.

"Good morning Yukino, have a seat I'm making breakfast-" I cut him off.

"I'm sure I locked the door last night... how did you?" Walking to the living room since the main door was there. " You broke it again..." an irk mark appeared on my forehead.

"Can you stop breaking my door.!"

"Don't worry Yukino I already called someone to fix it." He gave a thumbs up. I mentally face palm " that's not the point here." I sigh.

"By the way do you have an answer about enrolling to UA?" He suddenly became serious. I sat down on the chair and nod.

"So what is it?" He waited for my answer.

"I'll accept it..." he could help but smile with my answer even tho I replied with a bored tone.

"I- I thought about it last night and you were right... I'll enter UA, I also wanna clear my families name and prove them all wrong." I said as I hold and stare at the necklace my father gave me.

Uncle Might let go of the pan and rushed towards to hug me tightly. " I-I can't breathe-"

"I'm so proud of you Yukino..." he got tears on the corner of his eyes but immediately wiped it away and smile. " not only me but your parents too..."

I'm glad I made this decision and I won't regret it... this doesn't normally happen, I hugged uncle Might back and my lips formed a smile.

Uncle Might needed to leave since he had some hero work to do. Also my door was already fixed, I pity the guy who has to fix my door every single day.
Earlier we talked about UA, he said he'll take care of my tuition and everything I need since he was my guardian and all. Also I don't need to take the entrance exam since I was included in the recommendation with 4 other students.

Interacting with other people is really not my thing I prefer being alone in the house since I spend 10 years with only uncle Might and some heroes that was a friend of my father. I didn't play with other kids because they got scared of me they even called me a freak for having white hair and red eyes thinking i was a vampire because of my pale skin.

But the thought of entering UA I'm preparing myself for a huge adjustment.

I told uncle Might that I'll be visiting my parents grave since I'll be training the next few days. He offered to train me but I refused I prefer to train alone and I know he was busy saving the city since he was the number 1 hero after all.

I arrived at my parents grave and place the boutique of flowers then lights up a candle.

Removing the cap I was wearing and untying my hair. Since it wasn't common to have white hair people might judge or jump to conclusions again so I have to hide it.

"Daddy, Mommy sorry if I took long to visit you but I have some good news.I took out the letter fro UA. "I was one of the recommended students and told uncle Might that I'm enrolling. I really hope you two were here and see me as I grow..." I place back the letter in my pocket. " l want to prove them wrong, what they thought about us was false. I want to clear our families name and also justice to your death..." I clenched my fist preventing myself from crying since I told myself I'm not gonna cry again, I wanna be strong not soft.

"I might be busy by the upcoming days and weeks so I might only visit you guys a few times..." tying up my hair into a bun again and putting on my cap along with the hod of my hoodie. "I miss the both of you so much..." was the last words I said before walking away from their grave.

I was walking freely in the city and thought I should stop by in a pastry shop before going home. I was craving for something sweet and strawberry cheesecake first came into my mind. Entering the shop I immediately spotted what i was looking for.  I went to the counter not looking at the lady and told her I wanted. She handed my my cheese cake and I payed her and said my thanks as I walk out of the shop while looking down to avoid eye contact from anyone.

I was looking down so I didn't notice the door open and a person walk in making me bump into-



How annoying.

I bowed as an apology but he didn't seem to get that he thought I ignored him so he kept on shouting. "WHAT ARE YOU NOT GONNA APOLOGIZE?!" He's getting into my nerves... I could've shut his mouth if I wanted to.
I look up at him and was taken by surprise that he also had red eyes like mine, he had blonde hair and-

"WHAT ARE TOU LOOKING AT EXTRA?!" And a very bad attitude... speaking to this guy isn't worth it but he's too much of a dumb ass to understand an apologetic bow.

I let out a sigh before saying. "Sorry." Our shoulders bumped as I walk pass him out of the shop. It took a moment before I heard him shouting again good thing I was  out of sight. Pshh what a loud mouth I can't never stand a person like him tsk...

I arrive back home and ate my strawberry cheesecake, lucky it was still in shape after I bumped into that loud mouth annoying guy...


1st chapter complete
Words: 1069
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