Sammy Lotos

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Sammy was never a person to have friends, in fact, she preferred not to have friends. People sooner or later end up betraying you- she should know, she had her fair share of betrayal. Why put yourself in that kind of stuff, that would only lead to your suffering, when you were alright alone? Sammy thought.

People are cruel, people lie, people make you feel special to then forget about you, people use you, people look down on you, people are bad, especially teenagers- and sadly she was surrounded by those.

Ever since 'the betrayal', Sammy had built strong barriers to keep her real feelings to show and to keep others from getting close enough to her that could possibly end up hurting her, like he had done. Sammy was proud to say that her barriers had kept her safe for 3 years now, not once failing to protect her from the cruelty of the society and the people that live in it.

So when Sammy met Hazel Levasque, a shy girl with curly hair and gold-like eyes (strangely enough), she didn't expect for anything different to happen, her barriers were there to keep her safe but, as time passed she founded herself spending more and more time with Hazel levesque. She wanted to stop it, to cut herself from that girl, Hazel Levasque, before it was too late, however, she couldn't, she just kept being attracted to the shy girl with curly hair and godly eyes. And slowly but, safely, Hazel levasque became a friend to Sammy, the first one she had had in many years.

Sammy had let Hazel go past her barriers, those who had kept her safe for so many years.

There was something different about Hazel, she seemed to have those same barriers (even stronger that hers), she seemed to always be on high alert, expecting someone to attack her from the shadow, she seemed to try to keep a low profile and she seemed to be a lonely person, only one friend, Sammy.

Sammy saw so much of her on Hazel that she had let her in, let Hazel past her heartless facade.

After months of friendship Sammy considered to know Hazel pretty well, the girl had a complicated life. She learned that Hazel has a half-brother, Nico, that she hardly ever talked to her father and that her mother was dead, that she had pretty bad nightmares (learned that the hard way) and that was basically it, all she knew. At the moment that information had seemed enough, more than enough.

She was happy, happier that she had been in a long time, her barriers down, making life easier and more easygoing but, also leaving her vulnerable to the cruelty of this world- fact, that sadly, she learnt the hard way.

"Hey, Hazel, do you trust me?"
"Yea, I trust you with all I CAN tell"

How she wished she had known the lies those words had, if she had just known... but, it was too late.

Sammy was not feeling well, she felt like breaking down crying, so she went to Hazel's house, she needed a hug. If only she had not gone to the house that day.... if only Hazel had been honest...

Sammy got to Hazel's apartment building to see her with a group of 7 other teenagers laughing and smiling, a true smile, a smile Sammy had never seen when she was with her. Sammy stopped on her track, she kept looking at her friend with those other kids. They were on a round, Sammy wondered why they didn't entered the building, Hazel was standing by the big glass doors of the building, a smile printed on her face, a little blush on her cheeks, an arm over her shoulders, Sammy followed with her gaze the arm until connecting it to another body, a boy, a tall and muscular body but, that had a sweet face, he seemed to also have a printed smile on his face, as well as a little red on the cheeks.

Sammy could hear to part of their conversation " Hazel it's been forever, we've miss you" A Girl with choppy hair said "I missed you too guys, especially you big guy, can't believe that it's been a year" Hazel said while looking up at the boy next to her and cutely smiling at him "love you too short girl" at this the guy leaned and sweetly kissed Hazel.

Sammy felt her throat close as well as her chest, Hazel had a boyfriend and for the look of it, it was not something new, no, Hazel had kept that piece of important information from her "so... made any new friends?" Hazel stopped smiling and shifted uncomfortably on the spot "yea I did... but its so hard... its... it's uncomfortable?" Sammy felt a single tear roll trough her face, apparently beeing her friends was a big problem to Hazel, she took a step forward letting her presensense known "I can't believe I ever trusted you" Sammy turned around and started running to god knows where, she heard Hazel call her name but she didn't care, she continue running, her feet's moving by their own, her mind repeating Hazel's words one and another and another time "Yea... I did but its so hard ... so uncomfortable" tears ruined trough he face and she was tires but, she didn't care, she kept running, she kept running because she had been stupid enough to let her barriers down and now, she was betrayed... again.

Sorry for the late update... I was out of creativity for witting n general but, today (finally) I was able to write something
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Word count: 962

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