Kateline Sanders

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Ms. Sanders

Hi, I am Katelin Sanders, Ms. Sanders or, as my students like to call me, the best teacher ever (let me dream, okey?). I am a Greek, Latin and English (don't even ask me how I manage to teach all this thing with no more than 40 minutes per day because sometimes, even I don't know) teacher at Scoured High.
During this unit we are dealing with Greek and Roman mythology. We started with the twelve olympians, we then talked about Hades and the minor gods. This topic would normally be boring (I know I am a teacher and should not be bored by what i teach but, try teaching the same thing every year and not get bore) but, this year was really interesting to teach it, all thanks to one of my students, Annabeth Chase (sometimes i wonder if she should be teaching the subject instead of me, that girl know everything and more). She talks about the gods as if she knew them in person, making all the expiring much more funny and easygoing to teach, in my case, and to learn, in my students' case. Annabeth also has her own opinion about all gods and, let me tell you, most of the time are not good opinions, the worst of all was Hera, that girl really has something against that goddess . Annabeth wouldn't stop rambling about how unfair, toxic and stupid the goddes was, if I didn't knew better i would have say the goddess had done something personally to Annabeth.

Today we were moving on to the Greek hell, Tartarus. I was expecting for the class to be the same as always, some theory, some side comments from Annabeth, some little laugh from Piper's part whenever Annabeth made her side comments (those two have too many inside jokes, ever since we started Greek mythology, those two seemed to have all this silent conversation that always end up on them trying to hide their laughter) and finally me giving out some homework or project to do but, nothing could have prepared me to what actually happened during the lesson.

I entered my class to see all my students already waiting for the class to start, maybe they enjoyed these lessons as much as I enjoyed them.

I said hello to my students and started the lesson "Okey, today we are moving on from the gods to the primordiales" at this Piper's hand went up, faster that I could have thought possible "Yes Piper" I liked to call my students by their first name, it made everything a little easier for them and for me " I know this is going to sound weird but... mmm... if you could... mmm... tell us when... mmm.. we are going to be seeing T..." she started but, was cut out by Annabeth speaking up " NO, PIPER, its okey, thank you for worrying for me but, I'll talk to her after class" I didn't understand what they were talking about but, I couldn't ask since they continue with their conversation "but, what if..." Piper was cut once again by Annabeth "Piper, I don't want the whole class finding out and I highly doubt that 'THAT' is going to be todays topic" at this Piper nodded and stoped talking "Miss Sanders, could I talk to you after class?" Annabeth asked me, she looked deadly serious, I, of course, said yes.

After that I clap my hands to get everyone's attention once again "okey, moving on, today's we are going to be studying the Greek hell, Tartarus" at this I noticed Piper and Annabeth tense up but, none of them said anything, I turned it as nothing and continue talking "Tartarus is a deep abyss that is used as a dungeon of torment and suffering" I started explaining, totally unaware of certain student fighting to not be driven away by horrible memories "it is a prison for the Titans" I continue but, this time noticing Piper's worried sight, i decided to try and cheered her up with a topic I knew they enjoyed talking about, demigods " no god or demigod had ever entered Tartarus and much less came out of it alive" (is this true?) clearly my attempt did nothing, but made all worst. Just as the last word left my mouth, Annabeth started breathing heavily, Piper rushed to her and started to try and calm her down, but Annabeth didn't seem to be lessening. I could see Annabeth trying not to loose control of her emotions. Eventually the heavy breathing turned it sobs and the sobs into a full crying and screaming session. I was scared, I didn't know what was going on and much less what to do to help. Annabeth was crying and muttering words that made no sense to me "Bob... you can cure him... he cant die..." Piper got up and went to grab her phone while muttering "yea right, what was that about not being today's topic?" She then, hesitatingly, called a number, I would not normally let someone made a phone call in my class but, this was not normal situation, I had a student having a kind of panic attack and no one could get near her (I didn't mention that? yea, Annabeth was punching anyone who got near her) "Hey Percy... I know that... YES THIS IS AND EMERGENCY.... yea Annabeth... I can't get near her without losing an eye... you can't come? ... what can I do? ... maybe it will work" Piper took the phone away from her ear and pushed the volume bottom to the maximum "let's wish this work" she mutter to herself more than to anyone else "okey Perce" she said and suddenly a male voice came from the phone " hey, Annabeth, its me Percy, I cant be there right now but, I am here, we are out" the boy's voice came extremely soft even though you could notice the hint of worrying ness that it carried " we are alive and we are never leaving each other" Annabeth seemed to calm down after hearing the voice, she had stopped screaming and muttering thing but, was still openly crying "hey wise girl, focus on my voice" Annabeth was crying so hard that it broke my heart, apparently the boy notice that Annabeth was not calming down and decided to change the strategy "Wise Girl, we are not down there anymore, we are out and we are going to new Rome, to college, remember? You are going to build something permanent and I am going to be there with you at every step, we are, eventually, going to have kids and get to grow old" the boy paused " together, remember that" with every word the boy said Annabeth seemed to calm down a little bit more, until she was no longer crying " I love you seaweed brain" she said, almost as a whisper " I love you too wise girl, remember that we are out, okey?" Piper slowly got closer to Annabeth and hugged her "okey" at this the boy sighed "Okey Piper, I am hanging off, if Chiron found out I had a phone call at camp he is going to hunt me down" Annabeth left out a little laugh "by perce" Piper hanged off.

We were all surrounding Annabeth and Piper, I would have to ask both of them for an explanation, if it was not given to me it would have to be given to the headmaster or the school nurse "Annabeth, dear..." I was cut off short by Annabeth herself "Miss, can i talk to you in private?" She asked and I nodded.

Once we were out of ear shoot, she started talking and, somehow, answering all the estirón I had "i have PTSD, the man on the phone is my boyfriend, he is the only one who can calm me down when I have one of this , we went through the same event that left me and him with PTSD together, for some reason that I don't know I get flashback from what happened whenever someone mentions Ta..Tar... that place" one though went trough my head, what on earth happened to this girl in order to have such a PTSD? " and... i will rather not share what happened for me to ge PTSD on the first place, I'm sorry but, i will not be attending the classes in which we are learning about this place, I wish for you to understand" I embrace her on a little hug and said "of course I understand and I am sure you know more about that place that I even do" she sincerely smile and nodded.

Word count; 1450

Mortals meet demigods + one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now