Chapter 35-k_thax

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I was speeding down the street with a never ending river of tears going back to my mother's hotel. I saw bright flashing lights behind me as I hit the breaks and...

I put my forehead on the wheel, crying harder as I got stopped by the police. I heard their big boots drag closer to the car.

Officer: I'm so excited! My first time pulling over someone! *clears throat* Licence and registration please.

I didn't even reach for my purse. I looked up at the officer and took in his features in the two seconds I glaced at him. First off, he was a man, probably a few years older than me, no older than 25. He had a mouth full of metal, meaning he had braces. His blue eyes sparkled with his excitement. His brown hair flowed past his shoulders and was perfect for his cream colored face. When he saw my tears, he frowned.

Officer: Oh shit, you're crying. Um...Licence and registration please?

I still didn't do what he asked. He had a look of panic and worry in his face.

Officer: Step out of the car please. I promise I won't hurt you, I'm just doing my job, and it's my first day, and I don't wanna get fired for not giving you a ticket because you're crying, and I really don't wanna give you one.

I stepped out of the car. While he was talking a mile a minute, I just kept crying, wanting him to shut up. He looked down at my stomach, and gasped.

Officer: Oh shit, you're pregnant. Now I really don't wanna give you a ticket. Just turn around so I can cuff you and take you home.

I didn't understand the point in that, but I couldn't help but to cry on his shoulder. He was surprised, but after a second, he just hugged me while I cried. He even cried too which was weird.

Officer: It's gonna be ok girl, Don't cry, you're making me cry!

I whipped my tears and smiled as I read his name tag.

Kay: Thanks Officer A. Bentley.

Officer Bentley: No problem, call me Austin. Want a donut? I get dozens for free.

He walked to the cop car and pulled out a whole box and gave them to me.

Officer Bentley: I know you, you're Ray Ray's sister from mindless behavior! Can you sign my coffee mug for me?

Kay: Sure.

He gave me a sharpie and his mug with a picture of me on it, which was super creepy. I signed it and he gave me the biggest hug ever.

Officer Bentley: Thanks so much! And take a picture with me to prove mother I met you, and I have a friend.

I took a few selfies with him and he got super excited.

Officer Bentley: One more thing. Can you probably give me your number so we can grab coffee later?

Kay: Sure, but I can't drink coffee, it's bad for the baby.

Officer Bentley: Sure. I'll text you when I'm off work.

Kay: Ok, thanks again.

I got back into my car and drove back to the hotel. I went to the room, and Julian was on the bed, playing a guitar, and my mother was no where to be found.

Julian looked up at me and smirked.

Julian: You just had sex, didn't you?

Kay: How can you tell?

Julian: It's one of my instincts. Care to share the details?

Kay: You're never suposed to kiss and tell.

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