Chapter 48-k_thax

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Jade's P.O.V.

I woke up at 5 in the morning on New Years Eve to be exact. I had to get Kay from the hospital before tomorrow, because she hated the hospital so much.

Anyway, Prince left like five days ago, and Kay got a new roommate named Claire or something. Claire is over the top crazy, and...I just have no further words.

Jade: So, are you ready to leave?

It was 5:30, and I signed the paper work and what not, and all I had to do was take her home.

Kay: Yes, I can't stand to be here another minute!

Jade: Ok, hold on, let me get a nur-

Brittany walked in with waffles for Claire, and as I smelled them, I ran into the bathroom and threw up.  Laura walked in and handed me something.

Lauren: It's a pregnancy test. Take it really quick, and see what it says.

I took the dumb test, and ten minutes later I was shocked that I was pregnant...

I wrapped the test in paper towels, and walked out, shoving it in my purse.

Jade: Ok, Let's get you into a wheelchair.

Kay: I don't want to get in one.

Brittany: Sorry, it's procedure.

Kay: *mumbles* Procedure my ass.

She got up on her right leg, and slowly sat down. Connor wheeled her down the hall, and pressed the button for the elevator.

Kay: I forgot my bag, can you go get it?

Lauren: I'll get it, and I'll meet you down stairs.

Connor: I'm going to the bathroom.

The doors opened, and I got in along with Kayla, who had her headphones in.

An old lady was standing in the corner, wearing what looked like sheets. She glanced at me and smiled.

Lady: Congratulations.

Jade: Excuse me?

Lady: Congratulations, you're with child.

Jade: How do you know that?

Lady: I'm psychic. And just a head's up, you and your spouse will go through tough times, but no matter what, true love will find it's way. And a sisterly bond can never be broken.

Jade: Wait...what? Tell me more.

Lady: Sorry, I can't. Take my card.

Jade: Before you leave, may I ask you why you're here?

Lady: I don't have much time here on this earth, because of cancer, but look me up sometime.

She gave me a card and stepped off of the elevator at the next floor. Kay took out her headphones and looked at me.

Kay: What's wrong?

Jade: Um...nothing.

We got out and stepped into the lobby. Lauren stood there, talking to the receptionist, holding Kay's bag. Connor walked out if the bathroom and spotted us. I suddenly had the urge to throw up again, and I did while running to the bathroom.

Lauren followed me to the empty bathroom, and so did Connor. When I was done, I wiped my mouth and dabbed my face with cold water. I looked up and saw Connor looking confused.

Connor: What's really going on? You keep throwing up and everything, and everytime I ask if you're ok, you say you're "Fine", and it's "probably the flu or something", but I know you're lying. Just tell me what's up.

The Conjuction House (mindless behavior)(book 2 of drama)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora