Chapter 45-k_thax

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Before I got a chance to respond, my phone rang and it was from an unknown number. I hit answer, and on the other line, a raspy voice spoke.

??: Jade, my love, I can't wait to see you...

At that point, I thought my life was over...

Jade's P.O.V.

Jade: W-who I-is th-this?

??: You know who it is...

Jade: You know what? I think I'm gonna hang up now.

Sam: Ok, it's Sam. I know you're here at the hospital, so come visit me. Room 518.

Jade: How did you know I was here? I knew you were a stalker!

Sam: I'm not a stalker, I'm just in love with you, that's all.

Jade: No, you're obsessed with me.

Sam: Nah, I prefer the term 'Love'.

Jade: Nope, Mariah Carey called it.

Sam: Huh?

Jade: You know, the song she made, Obsessed...?

Sam: Sing it for me.

Jade: *sighs* Why you so obsessed with me, boy I want to know. Lyin' thats you're s-

Roc: Damn Ma, you fine and you can sing? I want to marry you!

I totally forgot that everybody was in the room. I needed something to throw at him, but I had nothing to throw.

Jade: Shut up. I guess I can sing, but I was never that good.

Kelly: You're better than Beyonce.

Jade: Now you're lying.

Sam: It's true, my love, you do have a voice of an angel. I knew what you were talking about too, I just wanted to hear your angelic voice.

I blushed as I walked into the hall to continue my phone call.

Jade: Anyway, I thought you were-

Sam: Dead? Yeah, me too. I don't die, I multiply.

Jade: Like a roach?

Sam: Yeah, I always hated roaches though, it's like as soon as you thought you killed it, they come back three days later with stitches or something and their entire family ready to fight. *laughs*

Jade: *laughs* It seems like roaches were my only friends growning up, how sad.

Sam: *laughs* My maids and butlers were my only friends.

Jade: Anyway, I'll be up in a minute.

Sam: Bye Love.

I hung up and went to his room. On my way there, I passed Amy's room. I saw Amy and Justin lean in until I knocked on the door and speed walked to Sam's room. There were people standing outside his room looking upset. As soon as I walked up to them, they gave me mean glares.

?? #1: Who are you?

Jade: I'm Jade Smith, one of Sam's friends.

Samantha: I'm Samantha, Sam's younger sister. From the way he talks about you, I think you're more than a friend.

?? #2: He should be talking about me nonstop, not her!

?? #1: So you're the famous 'Jade' he braggs about? He won't let any of us see him untill he sees 'Jade'.

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