Chapter 43-k_thax

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Jade's P.O.V.

I was sitting in my office when I took a break. I walked into the small cafe to get a cup of coffe when I looked to my left and saw Sam. I smiled and he smiled back with a bright smile.

Sam: I made reservations to the new french restaurant down the street. I'll pick you up after work.

Jade: Sam-

The "Office Slut", Annie walked in and gave Sam this dumb look like she wanted him or something. She gave him a hug and started to flirt. I just rolled my eyes and grabbed my coffee and went back to my office.

Three hours later...

The office went to a christmas party, but I stayed back and finished work. Sam texted me and told me that he didn't go either. It was only 12 and I was hungry. I packed up my things and went into Sam's office to ask him to lunch.

As I walked in, I thought it was only Sam and I here, but I was wrong when I saw Sam getting head from none other than Annie. Sam looked up at me and I saw a look of panic in his eyes as I walked out of his office. I walked to my car and noticed Sam ran out of the building following me.

Sam: Jade, wait! I'm sorry.

Jade: *scoffs* I'm not even mad.

Sam: What? Why? I just-

Jade: I know what you did, and I'm not mad because you're still young and you don't need me tying you down. You only live once, so go make the best of it.

I have no idea why I did this, but I kissed him. I walked back to my car and began to drive home until I got a text from Julian, telling me he needed me and it was urgent. I made a complete U-turn and made it to his apartment. When I walked in, he paced the room and looked like he was loosing his mind. His house was trashed, clothes everywhere and he was wearing all black like he was about to commit a crime.

Jade: Juli, what's wrong?

Julian: Stay here, don't leave until I get back. I have some business to take care of.

Jade: I'm not staying here, I'm going home.

I pushed past him but he roughly grabbed my shoulders and pulled me back to face him.

Julian: I said stay here, because something is wrong and you have to stay safe!

I sighed and sat on the couch as I watched him leave. I got a pain in my stomach, probably cramps, amd laid down and drifted to sleep.

Kay's P.O.V.

Someone knocked on my mom's door as I finished getting ready to go to The Conjunction House. When I opened the door, two huge policemen, and Austin Bentley, stood at the door, holding a warrant.

Officer #2: Hello Ma'am, is Julian Miller here?

Kay: I think my mother knows where he is.

Austin: *whispers* Hey Kay! We need to go out for donuts later!

Officer #1: Can you contact your mother please and inform us about his whereabouts?

Kay: Sure.

I invited them in and got out my phone to dial my mother's number. When she answered, she sounded tired.

Kay: Hey mom. Are you ok? Were you asleep? Aren't you suposed to be at work?

Jade: *yawns* I left early and I'm at Julian's. I just took a nap, and my stomach hurts, probably cramps, but what's wrong?

Kay: Um...the police are here asking for Julian, do you know where he is?

Jade: No, he told me to stay at his place, but I think he'll be back later, why?

The Conjuction House (mindless behavior)(book 2 of drama)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن