Chapter 2-k_thax

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Nias pov (pic on side)

Angel looks so much like Ray, and it hurts my heart he isnt there for her. It's not beause i dont want her near that bastard, but it's because he is choosing Nisha over us. All i know is, I've made my mistakes, and learned from them.

Here i am, laying on my bed, thinking about the perfect life i had when my parents were alive, when Kay, Ray, and i used to be best friends. Now, its the opposite. Kay has distanced herself lately, and Ray is just...Ray.

I wish Ray would come to his senses, and notice that i had his daughter, and is raising her without his help. I think she soon will believe Roc is her dad, but she has to know later.

We all move into the dumb house with Nisha and Kelly tonight. I think Roc did this on purpose, to see some drama. If he did, I'll tape his dick to his forehead. Ok, that's enough with my thoughts...

Roc knocked on my door, like it was closed and locked or something. I ignored him, and kept thinking about how life sucks.

Roc: Babe, you can't ignore me forever.

Nia: ...Stop looking at me. I'm mad at you.

Roc: I guess I'll go then. And you won't be getting any tonight.

He whispered in my ear. He started to walk away, but I yanked his arm, and begged him to stay.

Nia: No, wait! Dont go!

Roc: That's what I thought. Now, why are you mad at me?

He sat down and pulled me onto his lap. He kissed my neck, and put his hand up my shirt. I wiggled around, as his touch left goose bumps on my skin.

Nia: No. I'm still mad at you. I don't want to move. Especially with the gardening tool you refer to as Nisha.

Roc: Gardening tool? You mean a hoe? Why didn't you just say it?

Nia: It's not the point Roc! I just don't want her near my baby. End of discussion.

Roc: Ok. Well now that you have everything packed, we leave in 20 minutes. Everyone will be here then.

Nia: Whatever.

I slammed the door in his face, and slumped right back on the bed. I gave more thought onto Kay and Ray, and noticed that Kay only distances herself when she's hiding something. She has a big secret, and I cant wait to find it out...

Sorry for any errors. I was MAD tired when I wrote this. All I can say is, read it, and do something with your life.~k_thax (im lazy I fix her error so there are none -Nia) This chapter sucks, but you can't blame my dumb, sleepy mind

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