Seokjin nodded. "I remember that place, we fucked there once."

"Twice." Hoseok shot him a wink, which Seokjin giggled at. "Oh yeah, that's right, twice."

Namjoon made a face. "Sounds like you're the reason they got shut down."

"What are you, a lawyer?" Hoseok scoffed.

"I'm almost done with my degree, so, yeah." Namjoon raised an eyebrow.

Hoseok moaned. "Fuck me with all your PhD's, Nyumjewn!"

Namjoon rolled his eyes and grabbed Yoongi's hand delicately, guiding him out of the house and to the waiting car.

He opened Yoongi's door and helped the boy inside, buckling the seatbelt for him too.

Yoongi smiled as Namjoon climbed into the drivers seat. "I appreciate you being a pure gentleman, amore, but I can do this stuff on my own, you know."

"I know." Namjoon kept his eyes on the road, his free hand holding Yoongi's, their fingers intertwined. "But tonight I'm treating you special."

"Like I'm your high school girl crush?" Yoongi teased him.

"Yeah." Namjoon said. "You know, I had a few girlfriends before I met you."

"And was this how you treated them?" Yoongi asked, tilting his head cutely.

Namjoon nodded. "I hate assholes. If someone is trusting me with their time and feelings, then the last thing I'm going to do is make them regret it."

Yoongi leaned over, resting his cheek on Namjoon's shoulder. "I love my perfect husband. So much."

"I love you too, pervert. So much." Namjoon kissed the boys hair.


Namjoon finally pulled into the lot and parked, and Yoongi peeked out the window and was surprised to see they were back at the old high school.

"What are we doing here?" Yoongi asked as they climbed out of the car. He had been expecting dinner, honestly, but this seemed far more interesting.

The school was closed at this time of night, of course, but that didn't seem to be something Namjoon was concerned about.

He just smiled and held his hand out for Yoongi to take, which the older man gladly did.

Namjoon led them around the building, to the far end of the school. Yoongi followed, curious and excited to see what Namjoon had planned.

They stopped in front of a window, which was slightly opened.

"Slipped the janitor a twenty earlier to leave this open." Namjoon said, wrapping his finegrs around the bottom of the window and pushing it up all the way. He climbed inside, and Yoongi grinned, following.

When his feet landed on the tiled floors and he brushed himself off, he was surprised to see they were back in the old classroom, where he had taught Sexual Exploration 11032.

"This brings back so many memories." Yoongi murmured, walking along the room, his fingers trailing along the teachers desk.

Throwing Hoseok's party...his first kiss with Jungkook...all the times he had put Namjoon in his place...

Sitting atop his old desk, Namjoon watched Yoongi take in the room, clearly lost in his memories.

"I love you." He blurted out suddenly.

Yoongi looked at him and smiled. "I love you more."

Namjoon hopped off the desk and cupped Yoongi's face, tilting his head to kiss the boy deeply.

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