| Searching for the killer |

Start from the beginning

But what hurts the most is all the pain my body is going through. I've suffered a lot through this journey, trying to find the killer. The only thing keeping me going is my parents and Kalisha.

Most people at this point would give up and rest, but that's not me. I never give up on anything I put my mind into. Plus, I'm so close to finding Mike Benson. All I need to do is go online and search where exactly he lives.

But before I do that, I need to put all my items away and then take a shower.

Opening my bags, I bought many items: raw animal meat, specifically cow and goat meat. I haven't eaten any meat in a long time, and it's not healthy for a vampire not to eat protein for an extended period. The last time I've eaten human flesh was when I killed those two officers, which feels like forever now.

But the majority of items I bought are for my plan to invade Mike Benson's house tomorrow. I obtained Inhalants so that I can make him and whoever is also there go unconscious. I got essential home invasion supplies like ropes, duct tape, and a knife.

I also purchased electronic products. I went to VampVids and got myself a mini video camera to record any evidence he shares with me. Since I'm invading a mortal's house, I got supplies that will help me communicate adequately with humans. I don't want to go there and not be able to say what's on my mind. My deformed tongue won't stop me from getting the truth.

The electronic items that will help with my speech is a voice modulation machine and a ThinkPod. Both of these work in unison. The ThinkPod is a small circular device that sticks in your head, uses electromagnetic waves, and calculates what is on your mind. The voice modulation machine is a miniature microphone that allows beings to choose the voice they want to sound like and speak. The voice modulation machine is connected to the ThinkPod, which will enable me to talk freely without issues. I also purchased chargers for both of them.

Lastly, I bought new clothes that I'm going to wear tomorrow—black sneakers, a scarf, shirt, jacket, pants, and gloves. I need to look stylish while I get my revenge. I also have healing cream for my body because I've been yearning for it.

I check to see if any of the items are wet, and surprisingly, none of them are. So I pack all my supplies and put them where they belong. I take off my wet clothes and put them in a basket filled with old and dirty attire.

Head to the bathroom and take a comfortable shower. Then, I grab my healing cream and rub it on the scars and wounds. It hurts so much, but the pain is slowly going away. After that, I applied lotion and brushed my hair.

Walking out of my bathroom and check my closet for clothes to wear. My closet is filled with a lot of black jeans, pants, black shirts, and scarves. Thankfully, I found shorts and a tank top to wear. I put on my boxers and proceeded to wear the clothes.

I'm starving, so it's time for me to eat raw animal meat. It doesn't taste as sweet as human blood, but it feels good eating any type of meat. I miss this feeling so much!

I am finished with my meal, throwing it in the trash, and cleaning myself up. Before I start researching about Mike Benson, it's been a while since I exercised.

First, I grab my music player because it wouldn't feel right if I didn't listen to my favorite songs while working out. Then, I stretch my body, loosening, and relaxing all my muscles. The first exercise I decided to do is one hundred push-ups. Positioning in the right form, and started pushing myself up. I managed to reach one hundred, and my body is tired. But I'm not done just yet.

I want to lift something heavy. I don't have any dumbbells with me. I could lift my fridge since I used to do it a lot. But that's way too basic for me; I need something challenging.

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