| Message From The President |

396 81 109

8 pm

Oval Office, The White House

President Jones's televised speech

My fellow Americans, yesterday at the Charlottesville Police Department, there was a peaceful protest that ended up in a riot. It's a shock to the American public that the leaders of this protest are Vampires.

It even shocked me, because Vampires should be fairytales. But from what I and billions of people around the world witnessed, they live among us.

The entire government, the justice system, and I have been getting a lot of messages on what citizens should do when dealing with Vampires. Or if they should be worried about Vampires starting an uprising and destroy this country.

I and so many officials have been discussing and making laws on what we should do since vampires are more prominent and how they should be treated. After many discussions and laws being vetoes, we came up with one that can put the American public at ease. Also, it can fix all the panic and riots that's been going on.

This law is called the Vampires Citizens Act. It will be officially put into place next year. But there are major rules I want to share with the American public when coming across and dealing with Vampires.

The first rule states that treat Vampires like they are normal human beings. It may seem absurd to add a rule like this, but every human needs to follow. Like it or not, Vampires do live in our country. We have to treat them like we do to our fellow brothers and sisters.

The second rule is that Vampires have the right to vote, travel, shop, eat food, have jobs, have bank accounts, speak their minds, and own properties. We will make sure all vampires living in America are available to have these resources. To any Vampires that are unemployed or homeless, we will provide the best night job offers and get a roof over your head.

The last important rule is no harassing, assaulting, bullying, stealing, or any hate crimes towards Vampires. We will not accept any type of attacks towards these beings. If anyone lays a hand or kills a Vampire, you will be automatically arrested. Unless the Vampire started the altercation, then punishment can be given. But don't lie, because we have the best coroners, doctors, and scientists that can detect a human mark and a Vampire attack wound. If you lie about a Vampire attacking you and vice versa, you will be locked up for a long time.

There are more rules applied involving how the American public should treat Vampires and how they can adjust to our society. But these are the most crucial rules that every American has to follow from now on.

Right now, I want to take my time to address the situation that happened to Njau. I watched all the video clips, heard the testimonies, witnessed the riots, and seen all the innocent beings die in front of the police department.

What broke my heart is seeing my ten-year-old daughter in tears watching these vampires get assaulted by the police. I remember the exact words she told me after watching the horrific video clips that I will always remember.

"Daddy, why are the police attacking these poor creatures? Aren't the police supposed to protect and not harm? Are they going to treat me the same way if I do something wrong? I don't want to die by the hands of the police. Daddy, please stop those police officers from attacking anybody else. Please!"

When she told me that and knowing how bad these Vampires have been treated by the police, I had to make sure this never happens again.

Njau, I know you are in jail right now. But I'm going to help get you out. I made a lot of calls with the justice system and the government, there's a chance for you. However, there are a few set of rules that needs to be accomplished before you can roam around freely.

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