Bonus: African Vampire Musuem

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"Baba, where are we?" Jacob, my five-year-old son asks

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"Baba, where are we?" Jacob, my five-year-old son asks.

"I'm hungry!" Kadie, my five-year-old daughter whined.

It has been five years since Kalisha and I decided to live in my hometown, Sierra Leone, Africa. We would have resided in Nigeria, but there is too much corruption with the banks and violence every night. Kalisha still loves her Nigerian culture and we are trying our hardest to make that country a better place. Right now, I took my twin children to a museum. But not just any museum, a place that everyone in the world needed to know about.

"Wi de na di Afrikan Vampaya Miusiɔm (We are at the African Vampire Museum)," I tell them, speaking my Sierra Leone Krio language.

"Ah, Njau!" My wife, Kalisha, calls out my name out of nowhere.

"Wetin do you? (What's the problem with you?)" I ask, speaking her Nigerian Pidgin language.

"You know these children can not comprehend both of our languages at the same time. It's a miracle that they know some. But it will take some time to fully understand everything. Let's speak English for now." She tells me and I agree with her. I'm thankful every day to be with my wife. She looks beautiful every day and is not afraid of anything. Even though she is Queen and royalty, she still treats me like a king.

For my children, I want them to be the best versions of themselves. They do not have to take our place as the next king and queen. But I want them to get a lot of knowledge and grow up to become great vampires, that's why I took them to the African Vampire Museum. They have to know the history, struggles, victories, and legacy of African Vampires. I understand they are only five years of age, but it is never too young to start learning.

"This building was funded by the Black Vampires Unite Organization," I tell them.

"What's that?" Kadie asks.

"Why are they united?"Jacob asks. I was not expecting them to ask questions, but I love that they are invested in this.

"Black Vampires Unite is an organization created in 2026 by your mom, dad, auntie, Grandmothers, and every Black vampire who was tired of the police brutality and violence against our kind. Helping Black/African beings was our goal and that's what kept us united." I explain.

"Are we united?" Jacob asks.

"Yes, we are always united. I will make sure it stays that way." I tell him.

"How about we give them a tour around the museum?" Kalisha suggests.

I pick up Kadie on my shoulder, while my wife carries Jacob on her shoulder. We walk around to important sections of the museum. To be honest, everything in the building is important, but others have more significance and my children need to learn about them immediately.

"This area is how Black vampires came to be. Before God created life, he was dealing with Satan. Satan used to be an angel, he was considered God's greatest creation. But Satan thought he was too good for God and went against him. The highest was not having any of that, so he cast him and all the unholy spirits down to Hell." I tell them.

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