| For My Love |

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Sunday, October 11th, 2026


Kalisha's POV

Eyes gradually rising, glimmer of satisfaction on my smile and body after making sweet love last night. Having sex with N was so breathtaking. I haven't felt this sensation in a long time. Not even Dadi was able to please me like N did.

I'm so thankful that he is in my life. He listens to all my problems, he follows my commands and demands, he cares, he satisfies me, and he loves me. I love him with my whole existence. I don't want him to ever leave me. Speaking of which, where is N?

"N?" I asks, hoping he would respond back.

I get no response. I didn't want to over-speculate, because he's probably freshening himself up. We did get dirty last night and there were a lot of love scars we gave to each other. I still feel the pressure on my neck when he grabbed the chain and pulled me closer to him. Also I still feel every inch of him, just thinking about it is making me go crazy.

I get off the bed to check the bathroom if he is inside. Opening the door and there is no sign of him. The lights are turned off and nothing was touched. I start to worry, because there are no other places he can be in. I doubt he's in my walk-in closet, because what man would want to go there. I highly doubt he's in Shani's room.

Where could he be? Why did he leave without notifying me? Does he still love me? Was he using me this whole time? Oh my god, I hope he didn't use me for only sex. I despise men who plays with women's hearts and leave them after sex. That is some small cock energy.

It hurts especially coming from a guy that I thought was genuine and loving. I actually cared for this man. I felt sorry for what happened to him. All those kind words and gestures didn't mean anything.

"I'm so stupid!" Yelling and smacking myself, while heading back to the bed.

I'm so foolish for trusting a man. I actually thought I found the right one. I thought he was a better replacement for Dadi. But come to find out, N and Dadi are similar. Honestly, all men are basically the same.

They try sweet talking women and claim that they love us. So that we can offer our hearts and bodies to them. But they never stay or show the same affection. They only want sex and that's all.

I hate making this a race issue, but black men gets more love and appreciation than black women. Black women always have to be the ones protecting, caring, and loving black men. But when it comes to black men doing the same for black women, there's no compassion or love returned back. They never ask how black women are feeling or support them. They only come to black women for sex or to baby them.

I put all my time and effort trying to fix a damaged man. Making sure that falling in love with me will cure all his problems. But that was never the case. Now all my help just made him leave. He didn't even bother letting me know why he left.

This is the very last time I'm ever letting a man win over my heart. I've been heartbroken way too much and I'm tired of getting hurt.

My eyes are swollen and a puddle of tears are forming.

"Why N? Why? Why did you leave me? I thought you loved me. You even promised that you won't ever leave me. You know what N, FUCK YOU!" I slam my hand next to the pillow he slept with and I hear a paper crumble.

My eyes widen and I wipe my nose using my shirt. Looking under the pillow and there is a folded paper inside. I wonder why a paper was under a pillow. Unraveling the paper and its a letter from N.

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