| Harsh Reality |

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Narrator's POV

Wednesday, October 7th, 2026

2:30 am

Kalisha and N are lying next to each other in bed, cuddling and resting during night time. But screams are heard, and Kalisha is awake by the sight of N freaking out. She tries shaking his body and calling his name to wake him up.


His body contorts. The painful shrieks are so loud that Shani and Jymia barge into the room to figure out what all the commotion is about.

"Kalisha, wetin' dey go on?" Jymia asks.

"Ki lode ti o fi n pariwo freaking out? (Why is he screaming and freaking out?)" Shani asks.

"Emi ko mọ paapaa. Mo ko gbọ ariwo, mo de ri bayi (I don't even know. I heard screams, which woke me up and I saw him in this state)." Kalisha explains.

N stops freaking out. He opens his eyes and catches his breath. Kalisha hugs him, trying to keep the situation under control.

"Are you alright? You had me, and everyone worried." She tells him.

"Yeah... I'm alright. I just had a nightmare. But I'm doing fine." He explains, still catching his breath.

"I'm glad you are feeling well." She says, hugging him even tighter and not letting go.

"Sha (Anyway), is everything alright now?" Jymia asks.

Kalisha lets go of him and faces Jymia.

"Yeah, everything is alright. We will handle the rest. Continue what you both were doing." She informs them.

"Okay," Jymia replies.

"Mo bura, Kalisha man pade awon ajeji okunrin. (I swear, Kalisha be finding the strangest guys)" Shani mutters to Jymia.

They both leave the room, closing the door behind them.


"What type of nightmare did you have?" Kalisha asks him.

"Anytime when I fall asleep, I always dream about the same horrific event I've experienced as a child." He explains.

"I want to know everything that happened." She told him.

He sighs.

He explains the incident to her, despite not knowing the full exact details. She is tearing up after he shared his frightening memories.

"Oh my god... I am so sorry that happened to you." She said while crying and sniffling.

He hugs her.

"It's alright, thank you." He comforts her.

"What happened to the police officer that caused all this? Did he get caught and put in prison?" She asks.

He stops hugging her. She grabs the nearest paper towel and wipes the tears away.

"I don't know," He replies.

"You don't know? You must know something."

"I legitimately don't know any information about the officer, what happened to him, or his whereabouts."

"So what have you been up to your whole life then? You couldn't even find out if some justice was served or not?"

"I've tried so many times. I've searched all around the world to find this one officer, but I never got the right person."

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