four, pizza boy

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FOUR; pizza boy

FOUR; pizza boy

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     THE FOUR TEENAGERS WALKED INTO the home and were greeted by the two-third graders. 'finally!' jane scoffed, clearly upset the kids had been gone so long. 'grandma passed out like five songs ago and she has about zero boom boom pow! can we please play now?'

'sorry, i've gotta go.' sarah apologized to the girl, starting to make her way to the back door.

'row, play with us.' ella begged, grabbing her sister's arm and pulling her into the living room.

a song started drifting from the living room and the house filled with the girl's laughter.

'just be careful, okay? and don't tell anyone about— you know . . .'

'uh, yeah, sure. i'm cool and so is row.' ethan informed her, nodding. 'and nobody believes anything benny says anyway.'

benny opened his mouth to talk, but shut it once he realized the boy was right.

'i'm serious, okay? and, whatever you do, do not invite a vampire into your house. it's your only safe haven.' sarah warned.

'stop, you're messing me up!' rowan giggled from the next room.

'got it.' ethan agreed, giving a thumbs up. after sarah had left, benny peaked into the living room, watching as the girls danced around the living room joyfully. evelyn was still sleeping in the chair, unbothered.

benny grinned at the sight of rowan, before the doorbell rung. he leaped over to the door as he exclaimed, 'oh, pizza dude is so late. bonus!'

rowan smiled and ran into the foyer as benny opened up the front door. 'come on in, bud.' benny greeted, letting the pizza guy in. 'oh man, this is gonna taste so much better cause it's free.'

benny grabbed the pizza. 'sorry, dude, but i am just dying for a bite.'

'so am i.' the pizza guy grinned, now revealing the fangs he was hiding before.

the three all looked up from the pizza to the vampire stood in front of them. the group screamed as they realized who they had let into their house. rowan grabbed the squirming freaked out girls and pulled them close to her.

'he's just playing a game, girls.' rowan assured them, holding them tight.

'yeah, a game. whoever tells me where sarah is first, spends less time screaming.'

sarah appeared in the house, quicker than lightning. 'can i play too?'

'yes!' ethan, benny, and rowan shouted.

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