thirteen, witch

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      'i know what i'd like for lunch.' erica smirked. rowan bumped her arm and the older girl put her fangs away, shaking her head.

      'you know, these kids were here first!' the lunch lady protested. 'every day you come in here and they—' suddenly the cash register slammed shut on the woman's fingers.

      'you should be more careful.' stephanie rudely remarked. 'come on, girls. we've got things to do.'

      'ugh. hanging with those girls makes me wanna stake myself tthrough the heart.' sarah told the boys before erica pulled her away.

      rowan said sorry to the girl stephanie had pushed out of the way and hurried over to her two friends. 'there's something wrong with stephanie.'

      'well, yeah. she's a cold hearted bi—'

      'the cash register just shut on the lunch lady's hands by itself!' rowan whispered urgently, cutting off benny.

     'maybe it was the wind.' ethan pointed out.

     rowan shook her head. 'there was this look the lunch lady gave stephanie, it couldn't have been the wind, e!'

     'row, i think you're overreacting.'

     'whatever.' the blonde shook her head, turning and starting to walk away from the pair.

     'i believe you!' benny said, trying to bring her back. he turned to ethan when she had left the room. 'ethan, next time shut up.'


     that's what makes a star
     we may look like girls
     but that's not all we are!'

     'spirit fingers!' rowan panted and threw her hands in the air. 'way to cheer. let's hit the mall.'

     'i can't believe i signed up for this.' sarah muttered aloud. 'and you guys, why would you voluntarily?' the other cheerleaders bent over, picking up their things from the ground and the boys looked to them, slyly. 'nevermind.'

𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐒 , benny weirDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora