one, erica and sarah

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ONE; erica and sarah

ONE; erica and sarah

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     'A BABYSITTER? FOR YOU?' BENNY questioned, as the three walked down the halls of whitechapel high. 'classic!' it was the first day of the three friends freshman year.

     ethan shushed the boy, as well as rowan, who was laughing as well. 'keep it down, man!' ethan hushed, groaning in embarrassment. 'this kind of info could ruin a guys rep, and it's not for me, it's for jane.'

     'ethan— and i mean this in the nicest way possible— when have you ever had a rep?' 

     'shut it, row.' ethan muttered under his breath, pushing the smaller girl over.

     'well on the bright side, one of these primo high school babes could totally be at your house tonight,' benny said, making rowan really uncomfortable and a tad bit jealous. she denied the jealousy as just being disgusted at the boy. 'hey, hot stuff.'

     'b, stop being a creep, you know better.' rowan growled. 

     ethan glanced at benny and raised his eyebrows. 'sorry mom.' benny joked, nudging her shoulder.

     'it's not like either of you would be able to get any of these girls anyways.' rowan added, easing up a bit. she still didn't like the way he was practically slobbering all over every girl he saw.

     'all i know is that her name is erica and she goes to this school. now i just need to convince my parents to cancel it,' ethan informed the two. the trio stopped with the conversation when they saw the principal taping missing child posters to the trophy display case.

     'god, why do kids just keep going missing?' the blonde girl wondered out loud. benny wrapped an arm around her, making her cheeks heat up. 'if ella goes missing next, i'm done.'

     'ella won't go missing.' ethan assured his friend. ella moore was rowan's little sister, a third grader with a lot of attitude, similar to jane. mrs. moore and mrs. morgan got pregnant at the same time so jane and ella practically came out of the womb as best friends.

     'well, i don't have time to walk her to school anymore, so she could very well go missing.' rowan said, crossing her arms.

     ethan shook his head as the group watched a tall boy walked up to the principal. 'ah, hey! principal hicks, let me give you a hand,' the boy, who rowan figured was a senior, offered as he walked over to the man. the boy took the coffee out of the principal's hand.

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