52:▼Beauty Thief▼

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Chapter 52: Beauty Thief


Third Person POV

The Amamiya twins, after a busy day, head back home to Yongen-Jaya as the stars twinkle in the sky.

The youngest, Rin, splits from her brother, Ren, and moves to the bathhouse. Her brother returns to Leblanc and begins prepping something in the kitchen for when she returns.

The bell above the door clinks, alerting one twin of the other’s presence.

“Welcome back. I made dinner for you,” Ren announces, sliding a plate on the counter. “Ryuji told
me you didn’t eat at lunch either.”

“I’m sorry, I just don’t have an appetite,” Rin says, pushing past the attempt at eating.

Ren steps in front of her, earning a frustrated sigh from his sister.

“I know you’re worried about Morgana, but you have to eat.”

“I’m sorry,” she apologizes. Lightly elbowing her brother, she makes her way past him and upstairs,settling into bed for the evening.


Next Day

As she did yesterday, Rin makes her way around downtown Shibuya. As it also did yesterday, her efforts looking for Morgana in the busy city prove fruitless and disappointing.

Sighing, she turns to the station and begins the trip to the train, only surprised by sudden discomfort in her stomach.

She clutches her stomach and breathes shallowly on the train ride home, the discomfort turning to
a sharp pain as she makes her way through Yongen-Jaya. It becomes worse, leaving her to balance herself against Leblanc, struggling to make it up to the door.

‘My stomach… it hurts so much…’

With the pain becoming too much, Rin lets out a sharp gasp as the world tips to the left and fades to black.


Rin slowly opens her eyes, struggling against the blinding light and the newfound sense of discomfort beneath her. A cot under her that feels like the equivalent of laying on cardboard.



Rin looks to her right, finding Ren and Ryuji rushing to her side, worried smiles on their faces. A small smile creeps up on her own, relieved she isn’t alone in her confusion.

“Ren-nii, Ryuji. Where am I?”

“Clinic in Yongen,” her brother answers as a woman clicks her tongue in the room beside her.

It’s Takemi, the owner and head doctor of the place.

“How are you feeling?” Takemi asks, flipping through the papers on her clipboard. She reaches into her lab coat and searches for a pen, pulling a black ballpoint from her left side.

“I’m okay,” Rin replies, struggling to sit up. Her brother shoots her a look, which she returns as she leans against the wall.

Takemi takes that as a sign to catch the girl up on what she missed and
why she’s there.

“So, Amamiya. I checked up on the reason for your fainting, and I was informed by your brother that you didn’t eat at all yesterday?” The doctor waits for a few seconds and continues. “Is this true?”

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2020 ⏰

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