33: ★Kaneshiro Changed★

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Chapter 33: Kaneshiro Changed .


This morning you saw the news about Kaneshiro . It's about he finally confessed everything what he done .

Xxx After School Xxx

As usual , you guys meet at same hideout .

"Hell yeah!Kaneshiro finally confessed!" Ryuji exclaimed . "People've been making a huge deal of it since the police announcement ! "

"It's difficult to accept that the authoroties are faking the credit for his arrest." Yusuke said .

"People are going nuts about the Phantom Thieves online through . Look!" Ann show her phone about Phantom Thieves .

"It's total of Phantom Thieves fever."  You saw the post .

"It's all comin' together for us!" Ryuji smile .

"This is quite the turnaround . All of sudden , people are expressing their long standing belief in us." Yusuke said .

"I knew people would come around!"

"But hopefully all this excitement doesn't place us on the police's radar." Morgana sound worried .

"It'll be fine!No way they'd find out about that other world." Ryuji said .

Morgana said he still remember what Kaneshiro said .

"That we're not the only ones who can enter Palaces?" Ann ask .

"If that's true,we can't ignore it." Ren-nii remind .

"But this is Kaneshiro we're talking about . He could've just been talking out his ass . . . ." We all think about Kaneshiro mention that time .

"By the way , where's Makoto ? She still not here?" You ask as Ren-nii phone ringing . Ren-nii answer and Ann listen beside him . Ann says it's Makoto on the line .

After a minute , Ren-nii ends a call and told that she can't make it today and also she said that everyone talking about Phantom Thieves and calling cards on TV .

"Really!? That's freakin' crazy!"Ryuji exclaimed as you nod happily .

"How about we have another celebration?" Ann ask .

"Good idea!We can make it a welcomin' party for Miss President too." Ryuji excited .

Ann nod . "Okay then , I'm gonna let Makoto know!" Ann take her phone and dial Makoto . "Hi , Makoto?There's something we forgot to tell you ! So- Oh!" Ann face suddenly shocked .

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