42: ✿Akechi's Date✿

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Chapter 42: Akechi's Date.


"Hey...You guys still alive?"Ryuji ask after we all landing in front of Leblanc cafe.

"Thank God.Nobody's hurt. Makoto said sigh in relief.

"Rin." You open your eyes and realised you wrap your arms around Yusuke's neck.You noticed you holding his tightly so that's why you didn't feel anything earlier when you landing here. "Are you alright?" He stand up while still holding you.His face closer to checking if you okay.You can't help but just nod.

Ryuji clench his fist but everyone not noticed.All of them just eye on you and Yusuke. Ann came closer to Ryuji just pat his shoulder and giving a smile.

"You can put my sister down,Yusuke." Ren says as you let go Yusuke's neck.

"Thank you."You said to him.

"What was that sound?"Sojiro come out from Leblanc. "Hm?What're you guys doing out here?"

"Oh,ummm..."Sojiro must wondering why we out here.

"That reminds me,where's Futaba?" Ryuji ask to Ren-nii.

"What about Futaba?" Sojiro ears perked up hearing that name.

"Ummm...." You guys don't even know how to answer.

"Ah yes!We came all this way,so how about we enjoy some coffee?" Nice save, Makoto.

"Oh! That's great idea!" Ann smile.

"Oh,I almost forgot! I have some business to take care of,so you guys go on ahead."

"O-Ok , gotcha!" Ann,Ryuji and Yusuke follow Sojiro enter Leblanc.

Makoto approach you and your brother." Let's go see Futaba."


You guys found that Futaba in front of Sojiro's house.Futaba hugging her knees and burying her face on it.

"Futaba-chan?" You kneel beside her."Can you hear me?Please say something!" But she's not responding.You hope she's alright.

"Could this be our fault? Is it because we defeated her monster's mother...?" Makoto sigh.

"No, that was nothing more than a cognitive being created in her mind.Destroying it wouldn't cause memory loss or put physical burden on her..." Morgana said.

"What should we do?" Makoto looking at Ren.

"Hey, don't you know a doctor?" Morgana said.

"You do? Can you contact them?" Makoto ask as Ren nod.

"All right.I'll bring Futaba into her room." You careful pick her up and hold her. "Makoto,can you open the door for me?"

"Got it."

XXX Futaba's Room XXX

You saw Ren-nii arrived and he also bring a doctor with him.The doctor start check up Futaba condition.

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