43: ✿Futaba Recovery✿

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Chapter 43: Futaba Recovery

Xxx Next Day XXX




"Mmm....." You answer but your eyes still closed.

"Wake up!"

You pull the blanket up because it's too bright. "What is it,Ren-nii?"You mumble.

Then you feel the blanket being pull away and you use your hand to cover your eyes."Aaah, too bright,too bright!"

"All right, that's enough,little sis." You sat up and scratched your head.

"Why you wake me up so early?"You yawn.

"Here."He handed you 6 tickets.

"Tickets to Skytree?Where did you get this?" You rubbed your eyes.

"Sojiro gave it to me. He said bring the others too."

"Ooh really? Should we go now?"

He flicked your forehead."First you need take a shower."

"Right..." You giggle.

Xxx Asakusa Xxx

"We're up so high!" Ryuji exclaimed as he see a view. "But I can't settle down."He sigh.

"Yeah,today is X-day.." Ann said making you guys more worried.

"Any sign of Medjed?" Yusuke asking to Makoto as she still looking at her phone.

Makoto shake her head. "Not so far." You poke her side using your elbow and point her right side to see. Her eyes widen when she saw Buchimaru doll.

"Ah Buchimaru-kun.That bring back memories!" Ann smile seeing that.

"I'm taking a photo!" Makoto exclaimed.You sure her tone kinda remind when you guys fighting.Scary.

"Count me in too,Makoto!" You both nod and let others join too to take photo and doing some other things to enjoy.

"Count me in too,Makoto!" You both nod and let others join too to take photo and doing some other things to enjoy

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